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其他国家的限制可能没有那么严谨。Other countries may not be so squeamish.

克服娇气、孤僻、合群的精神文化。Overcome squeamish eccentric gregarious spirit culture.

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网上其他批评家则说,看到奥巴马的脚趾头感觉有些反胃。Other online critics were squeamish over seeing Mr. Obama's toes.

那麽,认为纸张不卫生而感到恶心的顾客呢?What about squeamish customers who might consider the paper unsanitary?

通常睾丸激素起着支配作用,在这一点上易受惊人士可能想移开目光。Mostly, testosterone rules, and at this point the squeamish may want to look away.

部分原因在于,我们都过于拘谨,而且从小受到的教育就告诉我们,千万不要评论别人的私人问题。Partly this is because we are squeamish and were taught as children never to make personal remarks.

如果这个不可避免的事实让你觉得神经过敏,你可能需要了解一下伊斯特林悖论。If this fact has ever made you squeamish , then you may have taken comfort from the Easterlin Paradox.

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这部新片将出其不意地震撼粗心的观众,令胆小的观众感到惊骇,并得到好色之徒讨厌的关注。The new film will ambush the unwary, appal the squeamish and get unwanted attention from the prurient.

按我当时的年纪,当然不会因为要对一只什么动物下死手而缩手缩脚,但我确实没有杀过大象,连这样的念头也从不曾有过。At that age I was not squeamish about killing animals, but I had never shot an elephant and never wanted to.

“冰激凌乐园”的创办人马特·欧康纳说,他不理解为什么有人会厌恶这个产品。The founder of Icecreamists, Matt O'Connor, said he could not understand people being squeamish about the product.

如果你有洁癖但你又有渴望,你只需要移走你的卫生棉,让他用手指灵活的触摸着你的阴蒂使你享受着兴奋的高潮。If you're squeamish but homy, leave the tampon in and let him give you an orgasm using his fingers on your clitoris.

不要由于羞涩而缩手缩脚。生命就是一场实验。你试验的越多,就做得越好。Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

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他们很少被教导去承担他们自己的责任,然后就是被定义为恶心和性格很弱。They are seldom taught to assume their own responsibilities and are consequently deemed to be squeamish and of weak character.

某些亚洲国家在非传统安全对其主权所产生影响方面多有顾忌,它们应当努力接受新观念。Some Asian countries are squeamish about the effect of non-traditional security on their sovereignty. They should swallow hard.

但是假如你感到,你似乎在和可怕的暴君和他的同伙同流合污,那么就等一等,到明年选举揭晓再说吧。But if you feel squeamish about appearing to treat ghastly tyrants and their grim cohorts as normal, hold fire, as it were, until

月经来了?如果你有洁癖但你又有渴望,你只需要移走你的卫生棉,让他用手指灵活的触摸着你的阴蒂使你享受着兴奋的高潮。Got your period?If you're squeamish but homy, leave the tampon in and let him give you an orgasm using his fingers on your clitoris.

第一次,普通女性拥有可以信赖的避孕药具,不必再为此而感到困窘。For the first time the mass of ordinary women had a reliable contraceptive about which there was no need to feel squeamish or embarrassed.

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如果说僵尸电影为那些对死尸毫不畏惧却为感情问题困扰的男孩上了一堂人生课,吸血鬼故事则在某些意义上为那些神经脆弱的人提供了性的暗示。Zombie stories are life lessons for boys who don't mind thinking about bodies, but can't cope with emotions. Vampire stories are in many ways sex for the squeamish.

我在烤炉里烘焙它们直到它们变的酥脆可口,然后再把它们扔到一口锅里,放上辣椒和生姜,因为据我的经验观察,顾客一般对一些柔软而潮湿的东西感到恶心。I bake them in the oven until they are crisp and then toss them in a wok with chilli and ginger as in my experience customers tend to be squeamish about anything that is soft and squidgy.

一开始吃时你可能会有点别扭,不过一旦“开涮”,你会品尝到各种回味无穷的美味,一直吃得你嘴发麻——嘿嘿,与看完牙医后的感觉有一拼!You can't help being squeamish at first, but once you start dipping into your soup you experience all sorts of different, exciting tastes before your lips go numb – just like at the dentist.