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平民主义对全球主义意味着什么What Populism Means for Globalism

日本政治带有利己主义和民粹主义的风气。Japanese politics is tainted with egoism and populism.

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与此同时,一种不同形式的平民主义开始深入人心。Meanwhile, a different form of populism was taking root.

同时他们可能喜欢夸耀自己“每个人都是国王”的民粹主义原则。And they may like to boast about their every-man-a-king populism.

在假民粹主义的茶会地点,他提出真正的民粹主义。In the place of the fake populism of the Tea Party, he offered real populism.

第一,一些人担心平民主义会导致很难选出合适的市长。First, some worry that populism will lead to the election of hard-right mayors.

谁才能够扭转这一局面,将美国平民主义与反企业的历史传统再次连接?Who can reverse that formula, re-connecting populism to its anti-corporate history?

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西方拉美学界对于民众主义这一概念的含义的界定发生过较大的变化。The definition of populism in the study of Latin America has been changed considerably.

但尽管如此,仍然有许多很好的理由来认真对待民粹主义的兴起。But, for all that, there are good reasons for taking the resurgence of populism seriously.

民粹主义革命并不像中东那样有着陡然的进程。Revolutionary populism does not have the steep trajectory that it does in the Middle East.

广播公司就这样夹在政府与市场之间,既要符合标准,又要愉悦大众。Broadcasters are thus caught between the state and the market, between conformity and populism.

卢梭的道德理想主义政治哲学从民主主义向民粹主义蜕变。Rousseau's ethical political philosophy of idealism changes in quality from democratism to populism.

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第二个信息是如果美国经济黯然出现衰退,一味取悦大众的坏处将会更加突出的显现。The second lesson is that if America tips into recession, the sirens of populism will warble louder.

在哥伦比亚问题上,这将会向南美那些假民粹主义的声音发出错误信号。In the case of Colombia, it would send a bad signal to the voices of false populism in South America.

精英性“和”大众性已成为当今世界高等教育结构改革的两大主题。Elitism and populism are two major trends of higher education structural reform in the world of today.

布什总统说,“在哥伦比亚问题上,也会给南美那些伪民粹主义的声音发出错误的信号。”In the case of Colombia, it would send a bad signal to the voices of false populism in South America.

启蒙主义思潮和民粹主义思潮启迪制约着开明派从事文化活动的独特立场和思路。The trends of enlightenment and populism inspire and restrict the Liberal School's cultural stand and ideas.

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因此,图恩代表的就是右翼民粹主义和自由主义政治正确性之间的交集。What Fortuyn embodied was thus the intersection between rightist populism and liberal political correctness.

民粹主义和精英主义似乎是两种不同的倾向,但它们确实是一丘之貉。These two attitudes — populism and elitism — seem different, but they’re really mirror images of one another.

由于对美国公共机构的信心呈长期下降,使得经济民粹主义的生命力分外强劲。This economic populism is made particularly potent by the long-term decline of faith in American institutions.