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躬行己言。Practise what you preach.

你能做到言传身教吗?。Can you practice what you preach.

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我们未能当众说服这些人。We fail to preach down the people.

我不会说教也不做评判。I do not preach and I do not judge.

我从前单听他讲道理。I used to simply listen to him preach.

你为什么不躬行已言呢?Why don't you practise what you preach?

很多伊斯兰教宗也宣扬非暴力。Most Islamic authorities preach non-violence.

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师者,传道授业解惑也。Teacher, preach to teach to dispel doubt also.

事实检验,我们实践了我们所鼓吹的吗?A reality check, do we practice what we preach ?

因为我们接受的教育和劝解大同小异。Beacause we accepted the same education and preach.

世界人民公开谴责恐怖主义和暴力。The world people preach down terrorism and violence.

切莫在你冗长的祷告中向主作一番讲道。Do not preach the Lord a sermon in your long prayers.

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对于学院派经济学家们而言,宣扬忍耐是很容易的。It's easy for academic economists to preach patience.

让我们出去,向一切受造之物传讲基督。Let us go forth and preach Christ to all the creation.

那位教区牧师向会众讲道貌岸然半个小时。The vicar preach to the congregation for half an hour.

那是很容易去讲十场道,而很难去活出其中一个来。It is easier to preach ten sermons Than it is to live one.

我们靠的是口碑营销,一传十、十传百。We rely on word-of-mouth marketing, going, ten preach the.

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当你喝醉躺在臭水沟时我有没有说过你?Do I preach at you when you are lying stoned in the gutter?

我恨死那首歌了。喜欢这首歌吗,神父?。Damn, I hate that song. ? You like the tunes there, Preach ?

这提醒我躬行己说的重要。It reminds me how important it is to practice what I preach.