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这是我的小杯子。P3 This is my mug.

首先,你打碎了一个杯子。First, you break the mug.

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给那孩子一杯牛奶。Give the boy a mug of milk.

她啧地从杯子里喝了一口。She took a slurp from her mug.

我把我的牙刷放在马克杯里。I put my toothbrush in the mug.

这个缸子上有个缺口。He has a mug of cocoa before bed.

小心,别把杯子碰翻。Be careful not to knock your mug over.

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在单位尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具。Take your own mug and cutlery to work.

那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。Her face is almost as ugly as your mug.

将热茶倒入杯中并且搅拌。Pour the hot tea into the mug and stir.

她用勺从糖缸中舀出了一些糖。She scooped out some sugar from the mug.

一张可爱的脸蛋不仅仅在政界吃的开。A lovely mug isn’t just useful in politics.

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我给他递过去一个咖啡杯,装了半杯水。I give him a coffee mug half-full of water.

他就著一大杯茶把面包吞下肚去。He swilled the bread down with a mug of tea.

或者在早晨,将它放在他的咖啡杯下。Or slip it under his coffee mug in the morning.

你为什麽随身都带一个保温杯?Why do you always carry a thermos mug with you?

对我来说,一大杯啤酒总是最合心意的。A mug of cold beer always hits the spot with me.

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然后,他们没有给予同样的杯子。And then they're given the same mug for nothing.

我把茶缸倒过来捉住了那只虫子。I caught the insect by inverting my mug over it.

那么也许可以泡上一杯温热的花茶。A warm, soothing mug of herbal tea might, though.