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我还记得童年时这个节日的热闹气氛。I can remember the jollification in my childhood on that day every year.

也许是早膳的味道太热闹太好。It is also good to is too probably the savor of breakfast jollification.

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也许是早膳的味道太热闹太好。It is also nice to is too probably the flavor of breakfast jollification.

我也喜欢孩子们到她店里学、绣,店里热闹了,笑声也就多了。I also like her children to learn, embroider, shop store jollification , laughter is much also.

偶然进了社群,才发现那里很热闹---热闹的地方怎么可以少了我呢?。Entered agencies by chance, just discover very noisy there-how can the place of the jollification be without me?

在南京之南,破地而出的东南大学九龙湖新校区里,教学楼1座111室热闹非凡。In the south of Nanjing, the room 111 of No. 1 teaching building of the new campus of Southeast University was filled with jollification.

为此,一些有识之士呼吁过节要注重文化内涵,不要盲目地赶热闹。For this, some know of the privates appeal to observe a festival and pay attention to a cultural content, don't rush through jollification blindly.

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面对蜂拥而至的出站旅客,分头赶紧凑近,放肆招揽,好生热闹。The proptosis faced to upsurge station passenger, the bat batch head hurriedly presses near, wantons acquisition and likes to living jollification.

当充氢气而压力适当,气球将冲出容器升空,造成一种欢快热闹的气氛。The balloon rushes out the container when be inflated with hydrogen with proper pressure, thereby creating am atmosphere with happy and jollification.

我们这里的人口很多,有3000万人,现在可能还不止,如果你喜欢热闹,我们这里很适合你。There are many people here , about 30,000,000 , and possibly no less than this figure now , if you like to enjoy jollification , you should live here.

只有在半山腰县立高中的大院坝里,此刻却自有一番热闹景象。Only in the embanked courtyard of county senior high school which was located in halfway up the mountain, there was a scene of jollification at the moment.

曹雪萍的话不过是宴会的一个小插曲而已,这场至到深夜的宴会倒是一场热热闹闹的气氛里面过去了。The words of Cao sleet Ping however is a small episode of party just, the party that goes to till die hour's gushing is one inside in the atmosphere that the hot jollification makes past.