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假日的每一分钟他都过得很愉快。He enjoyed every minute of his holi day.

维伦达文是庆祝洒红节的著名场所。Vrindavan is a famous place for Holi celebrations.

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洒红节为代表的“如何克里希纳偷走黄油。”Holi is represented by "How Krishna Stole the Butter."

在孟加拉,好利节被称为多尔朝圣期或者春天朝圣期。In Bengal, holi is called Dol Yatra or the spring yatra.

一连串的不幸事故把他们的假日全毁了。Their holi day was ruined by a whole series of misadventures.

在整个尼泊尔,洒红节都被灌注了极大的热情。The tradition of Holi is followed with great enthusiasm all over Nepal.

胡里节是美好战胜邪恶的庆典,是迎接春天的节日。A welcoming of Spring, Holi is celebrated as thetriumph of good over evil.

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在好利节,南德冈的男人来到巴尔萨纳,与那里的女人嬉戏。On Holi, men from Nandgaon come to Barsana to play holi with the women there.

一名男子手表游行庆祝马图拉,印度于2010年2月28日泼水节。A man watches a procession celebrating Holi in Mathura, India on February 28, 2010.

当然,这里还有各形各色的老百姓,以及像是胡里节这种有趣又令人兴奋的节庆。Then, of course, there are the people and festivals like the fun and exciting Holi.

2010年2月28日,印度马图拉。一名男子在看庆祝胡里节的队伍。A girl washes herself after taking part in Holi in Hyderabad, India on February 28, 2010.

色彩,庆祝在加尔各答,星期日,2010年2月28日印度洒红节抹黑印度男孩。Indian boys smeared with colors celebrate Holi in Calcutta, India on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010.

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其结果是干粉末然后准备投掷到司仪神父为印度的富有色彩的胡里节。The resulting powder is then ready to be tossed by celebrants of India's colorful Holi festival.

儿童争取在每个彩色霍利在阿拉哈巴德在上周六,2010年2月27日印度其他用水。Children pour colored water on each other during Holi in Allahabad, India on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010.

3月19日,狂欢的人们在曼哈顿南街海港的一艘船的甲板上庆祝洒红节。Revelers celebrate Holi on the deck of the ship Peking at South Street Seaport in Manhattan March 19.

摄于印度北方邦佛里达凡,于著名的荷利节期间,即色彩之节。This photograph was clicked in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India, during Holi , the festival of colors.

有色水泼在妇女在阿拉哈巴德,印度,星期一,2010年3月1日洒红节庆祝活动。Colored water is splashed on women during Holi festivities in Allahabad, India, Monday, March 1, 2010.

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青年男子庆祝洒红节迎来一个过路人,他们骑在印度孟买,星期一,2010年3月1日自行车。Young men celebrating Holi greet a passerby as they ride a bike in Mumbai, India, Monday, March 1, 2010.

涂色的人互相在印度孟买,星期一,2010年3月1日洒红节庆祝活动粉末。People smear colored powder on each other during Holi festivities in Mumbai, India, Monday, March 1, 2010.

胡里节,在这个幅员辽阔的多元文化国度里,色彩缤纷的胡里节被冠以不同的名称加以庆祝。The colorful festival of Holi is celebrated by different names in this vast and culturally diverse country.