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这是一种消遣,许多巴基斯坦人迎接与困惑。It is a pastime that many pakistanis greet with bemusement.

这些系统的部署,使企业陷入了“信息孤岛”的困惑。The deployment of these systems, make enterprise run into the bemusement of "Information Isolated Island".

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一种把头转向左边或右边的动作表示否认或怀疑或迷惑。A turning of one's head to the right and left, signifying denial, disapproval, disbelief, doubt, or bemusement.

一个人陷入了困惑与迷茫,并且无力摆脱,那就只好拿时间作为代价,慢慢地一点点想清楚。If one gets into bemusement and confused, and has no power to get rid of them, he can only think of them slowly at the cost of his time.

他所阐释的是今日社会成长的一代少年所面临的对于世界的迷茫、困惑与痛苦。What expatiated by him are the puzzling, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world.

这是一个无法割去的经历——她会忘记自己的肤色,带着困惑地观察紧张的白人进入她们学校的体育场。It was like a disembodied experience -- she could step outside of her whiteness and watch with bemusement as nervous whites entered her school gym.

我们当中的那些当年把他赶离埃弗顿,并认为再也不会看到或听到他的人们,如今却只能困惑不已地呆看这一切了。And those of us who dismissed him from Everton convinced we would never see or hear of him again could only watch on in a state of complete bemusement.

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负责供货的花店自然也很开心。总之,他每周能让两个人感到开心,而且还能引起一些愉快的困惑。It also makes the guy from the shop who supplies the flowers happy, makes two people feel good each week and causes a good deal of pleasant bemusement.

卡洛斯·特维斯转会的一事因为科林蒂安指责曼城私自更改转会协议而再度生变,而曼城俱乐部方面则对此感到十分的困惑。Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.

四川省海关人员发现了从德国汉堡通过包裹运输过来的几百只巨型活蚁,这令他们感到疑惑不解。Customs officials in Sichuan province were left scratching their heads in bemusement after finding hundreds of giant ants packed into parcels sentfrom Hamburg.

这一系列的矛盾与困惑正反映了明中叶以后文人士大夫们对中国文化发展走向的焦虑和探索。The series of antinomy and bemusement fitly reflected the literary men's angst and exploration to the development direction of Chinese culture after the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

同样困惑的情绪也弥漫在小镇上的其他经历者心中,正如大家都试图回到正常的生活状态一样,他们经常表现出难以置信的困惑。Similar feelings of bewilderment were much in evidence throughout the rest of the town, as residents tried to return to their ordinary lives, often wearing expressions of head-scratching bemusement.