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一齐吹奏,因此产生了复音现象。Play together, resulting in a polysyllabic phenomenon.

词汇中的大多数双音节词都是外来语,主要来源是库美尔语、巴厘语和梵语。Most polysyllabic words in the vocabulary have been borrowed, mainly from Khmer, Pali and Sanskrit.

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先秦时期的复音词研究已经引起了学者广泛的重视。Many scholars have paid wide attention on the disyllabic and polysyllabic words of the pre-Qin period.

在这些复音连词中,有186个双音节连词、31个三音节连词及7个四音节连词。Among these polysyllabic conjunctions, there are 186 disyllabic and 31 trisyllable and 7 quadrisyllable.

有对整个先秦时期的复音词的研究,也做了很多专书复音词研究。There is study on the disyllabic and polysyllabic words of the whole pre-Qin period and the special books.

以意义、语法关系等为标准,共切分出复音词8022个。According to the standard of semantic and grammatical meaning, the writer collected 8022 polysyllabic words.

避免过度使用抽象的,多音节的词。相反地,要用具体的语言来激发听众们的想象。Avoid overuse of abstract, polysyllabic words. Instead, use concrete language that your audience can visualize.

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但具体到各词类的内部结构,却又比复音词复杂得多。But as for the internal structure of various types of words, they are much more complex than polysyllabic words.

汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。The Chinese language vocabulary transfers the monosyllabic words first to the disyllabic and polysyllabic words first.

单音节词复音化是汉语词汇发展的重要规律之一。It is the major tendency for the development of Chinese words that a monosyllabic word becomes disyllabic and polysyllabic.

在这一过程中,副词的发展也毫不例外地要趋同汉语词汇复音化的总趋势。In this process, development of adverbs, without exception, to be the convergence of Chinese general trend of polysyllabic words.

研究复音词发展的历史轨迹,先秦时代是一个不容忽视的重要时期。Study historical orbit , disyllabic or polysyllabic word of development, the pre-Qin period era one important period that can't be ignored.

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你只要瞥一眼好莱坞的电影明星,就不难发现在美国这个大熔炉里有许多来自不同种族的多音节姓氏。You only have to glance at the credits on a Hollywood movie to see the polysyllabic , ethnic diversity of surnames in the great melting pot of the United States.

目的是将此书放入词汇史的历史长河中,对研究古汉语复音词的发展、演变情况提供绵薄之力。The aim is to put the book into the the historical river of words and give the help to study the development of ancient Chinese disyllabic and polysyllabic words words.

很多学者对上古汉语专书中的复音词作了定量-定性式的研究,得出大量可信的数据和可靠的结论。Many scholars studied disyllabic and polysyllabic words in the ancient Chinese books by qualitative-quantitative method and acquired a large number of dependable data and reliable conclusions.

除非你在写些非常后现代的东西---自我意识,自我反思以及“煽动性”---留心尽可能地使用平凡熟悉的词语来代替多音节的“大”词。Unless you are writing something very post-modernist – self-conscious, self-reflexive and "provocative" – be alert for possibilities of using plain familiar words in place of polysyllabic "big" words.

杰西杰克逊仅凭个人力量就使我们,接受了,非裔美国人,这一说法“,它绕口,难说,你几乎凭直觉就要拒绝使用这个词,因为它实在是太绕口了,但是它却被广泛使用了。Think about the way Jesse Jackson almost single-handedly convinced us that we should use the expression "African American" even though it's a cumbersome, polysyllabic expression which you would think somehow or another would be intuitively rejected because it's so hard to say, but it worked.