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他们从不感到欢乐,但经常心醉神迷。Joy never, ecstasy forever.

我告诉了他我在大乐。I told him I was in ecstasy.

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迷幻药真的是神经毒吗?Is Ecstasy really neurotoxic?

入迷地唱歌和跳舞。He dances in ecstasy and sings.

要明白你的哀戚正是我的娱乐。Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy.

或拨响令人心醉神迷的七弦琴。Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.

他听音乐听得入神。He listened to the music with ecstasy.

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足球迷欣喜若狂地向胜队欢呼。He skipped about the room in an ecstasy.

这才叫真正的解脱和狂喜。This is what relief and ecstasy look like.

曾经,在小提琴的精妙里我找到狂喜Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy

锋芒毕露的身体可以用来描述狂喜。Hard-edged body can use to describe the ecstasy.

但看看罗马人共同的心醉神迷啊!But look at the collective ecstasy of the Romans!

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她的宗教狂热已使她处于恍惚状况之中。She was in a trancelike state of religious ecstasy.

他喜欢夏尔丹,伦勃朗则使他感到入迷。Chardin delighted him, and Rembrandt moved him to ecstasy.

所有瑜伽士都陶醉在喜悦中,沉湎于心陶神迷的狂喜里面。Till all the yogis, drunk with bliss, are lost in ecstasy.

她只知道卡巴顿对她的欲望,这使她喜悦得心醉。All she knew was a thrill of ecstasy that Cal Barton desired her!

在光柱中他抬起了头,处于极度的迷醉中。He lifted his head into the light, at a moment of extreme ecstasy.

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为它所有的快乐与痛苦呐喊,也为那份痛不欲生与欣喜若狂呐喊。Aaah the pleasure and the pain of it all. The agony and the ecstasy.

辛迪看到那没有边框的美丽窗口而欣喜若狂。The ecstasy Cindy felt on seeing that beautiful form knew no bounds.

李大婶要来看我们的消息使我们都欢喜得了不得。The news of Aunt Li's coming to see us threw all of us into ecstasy.