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找到你的激情,坚持不懈地追求它。Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly.

他们失败了,但他们顽强地坚持了下来。They failed, but they doggedly kept at it.

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他顽强地、步履艰难地走着,一直走回了公寓。He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat.

小蜜蜂就这样锲而不舍地做著积德行善,立下了很多的积德行善。Bee so doggedly doing good deeds, made a lot of good deeds.

一头羚羊顽固的游弋向一个小水塘,水塘的附近扎着一顶游客的帐篷。An oryx cruised doggedly toward a water hole at a nearby tourist camp.

农人们固执地把装着肥料的篮子背在身后,从农家小院一路走到田里。Farmers doggedly carried baskets of manure on their backs from farmyard to field.

当扣上马具上的最后一个扣子时,老人依然看着妻子。The old man glanced doggedly at his wife as he tightened the last buckles on the harness.

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虽然越南顽固的坚持自己的主权主张,但是它的东盟盟友们却没有显露支持它的迹象。Hanoi clings doggedly to its claim, but its ASEAN partners show no signs of rallying in support.

终于,绿豆在我的付出与期待下,顽强地钻出壳,迎着太阳欢笑。Finally, mung bean in my pay and expectations, the doggedly drilled shell, facing the sun, laughter.

虽说细胞不遗馀力地保护DNA免受突变,但它们却又固定地添加或移除外遗传标签。Whereas cells doggedly protect their DNA against mutation, they routinely add or erase epigenetic marks.

一粒荠菜的种子只要落到适宜的地方,就会顽强地生根,发芽。A shepherd's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall, it will doggedly rooting and germination.

要掌握幻想的本质,你需要选择一种艺术,技艺或者科学并持之以恒忘我地追求它。To master the art of illusion you need to pick an art, a craft, a science and pursue it doggedly without ego.

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阿兰仍顽强地大步前行,他低头看了一眼被晒红的、脱了皮的两腿,想起了汤姆强健挺拔的棕色的双腿。Alan strode doggedly on, looking down at his red, peeling legs, thinking of Tom's strong, straight, brown ones.

阿兰仍顽强地大步前行,他低头看了一眼自己被晒红的、脱了皮的两腿,想起了汤姆强健挺拔的棕色的双腿。Alan strode doggedly on, looking down at his red, peeling legs, thinking of Tom’s strong, straight, brown ones.

真正的英雄是那些每一天都能矢志不渝、乐此不疲地让自己成为充满爱心并发挥自我潜能的人。The real heroes are those who doggedly and joyfully work at becoming more loving and self-actualizing on a daily basis.

农业银行及保险商固执地追求“世界最大”,因为在中国最大真的有重大意义。But AgBank and its underwriters doggedly pursued the superlative of “world’s biggest.” In China, big numbers really matter.

尽管如此,研究者们仍固执地寻找那些可能帮我们预测大地震的种种"前兆"。Even so, researchers press on doggedly with the search for tell-tale "precursors" which could warn us of impending "Big Ones".

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找到你的热情,持之以恒地追求它。别让本人被一个还债的的任务所累。生命太时间短了,更不成将之糜费在你所讨厌的任务上。Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly. Don't settle for a job that pays the bills. Life is too short to waste on a job you hate.

媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。As the media surround the hotel trying to verify reports of Palmer’s death Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the truth.

能够说明德肋撒嬷嬷的真挚信仰的是她既说着阿肋路亚,又顽强地、不知疲倦地、坚定地为耶稣基督工作。What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly , tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ.