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科斯特洛是我的线人。Costello was 'my' informant.

警方说是一名告密者把缉毒警察引领到此的。Police said an informant led narcotics officers to the house.

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那个新闻工作者不须透枚消息提供伤的身分。The journalist not want to reveal the identity of his informant.

传信人紧张地环顾四周,仿佛埋伏着间谍。Our informant glances uneasily about as though he feared a spy in ambush.

一位自称「深喉咙」的神秘告密者揭发了水门丑闻案的内幕。A mysterious informant called "Deep Throat" blew the whistle on the Watergate scandal.

实验被一个密告者描述为用“化学药物洗脑”。The experiments there were described by one informant as" brainwashing with chemicals".

2008年1月,一位告密者向斯托伊卡透露了两个手机号码,这两个号码的主人都是契塔的手下。In January 2008, an informant gave Stoica the cell numbers of two men working for Chita.

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这个线人还告诉她,倩参与了这起阴谋,准备出卖法恩米尔。This informant also told her that Cian was in on the plot and was about to sell Farnmir out.

马尔科姆“是个出色的讲演者,充满力量且令人信服,”1958年,一位FBI线人这么说道。Malcolm “is an excellent speaker, forceful and convincing, ” one F.B.I. informant said, in 1958.

当一名线人指证斯莫就是帮派头目时,警方的调查有了突破。The police made an early breakthrough, with an informant naming Smalls as the leader of the gang.

瓦法说,官员们现在试图找到提供信息导致这次袭击的线人。Wafa said officials are now trying to find the informant who provided information that led to the attack.

他对一个决定要目睹这个引起这些激动情绪的线人抵达场景的同事这样表示。He turned to a colleague who had decided to witness the arrival of the informant causing all the excitement.

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我从线人那里得到了一个惊天大新闻,明天我发布后肯定能成为“划屏终结者”。I heard some breaking news from my informant. It would definitely become a thumbstopper tomorrow once I post it.

在6个月与9个月时对主要的被调查者进行访问,以记录实施过程。Key informant interviews were conducted at 6-month and 9-month intervals to document the implementation process.

LaBonte是CIA负责巴拉维的官员,但他的质询此线人的计划被驳回了。LaBonte was the CIA’s case officer for Balawi, but his plans for interrogating the informant had been overruled.

两份书面陈述甚至指出黑水公司的创始人埃里克·普林斯涉嫌谋杀一线人。Two affidavits even claim that Erik Prince, Blackwater’s founder, was involved in the murder of a possible informant.

盖伦集团发言人拒绝就线人或有关拉贾拉特南与线人打过交道的指控发表置评。A Galleon spokesman declined to comment on the informant or the allegation that Mr. Rajaratnam dealt with the tipster.

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展会应该像领航者一样,为饰品厂商引导国际饰品潮流,也要提供有效信息和大好商机。The exhibition can be a navigator who guides international jewelry fad and an informant who offer effective information.

检举人或提供线索人亦得俟法院或军事法院为被检举人有罪判决或有罪判决确定后,向受理机关提出申请。The informant or clue provider could also initiate the reward request to the informed agency after a conviction judgment.

据我的交谈者自己说,他在任国会议员的期间,也曾多次帮过摩尔根的忙。While he was a member of Congress, my informant had also on more than one occasion used his influence on Morgan's behalf.