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在文森特·洛德选定的领域中,他或许,甚至很可能登上帕纳萨斯山。In his chosen field Vince Lord could, and probably would scale the Parnassus heights.

吉恩-保尔•里希特尔曾说,从帕纳萨斯看景色,比坐在宝座上看,视野更开阔。There is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richter, from Parnassus than from a throne.

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最著名先知驻所是在希腊古城特尔斐帕那萨斯山上的阿波罗神殿。The most famous oracle resided in the shrine of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus.

不合时宜、悲惨的死亡发生在新电影“蝙蝠侠”、“帕纳萨斯博士的奇幻秀”的拍摄之前。An untimely and totally devastating death which came before the new Batman movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" was screened.

他于是将断层画成一条线,沿著帕纳索斯山的南麓,从地底穿越神谕所。He interpreted them as marking the line of a fault that ran along the south slope of Mount Parnassus and under the site of the oracle.

他自诩为诗坛上流动的哨兵,经常关注着国内外诗坛的动态。He praises himself as a sentinel on patrol in the world of poetry, always paying attention to the developments of Parnassus home and abroad.

它坐落在帕尔纳索斯山半山腰上,希腊人称它为Omphalos,是世界之脐,即世界的中心,为什么呢It's halfway up Mount Parnassus and it was thought by the Greeks to be the Omphalos, the navel of the universe, the center in every way. Why?

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尤利西斯知道了这些,当他长成了一个高高的青年后,他穿过了海洋,驾驶着双轮战车来到了这个年老的男人在帕尔纳索斯山的住所。Ulysses was told about this, so, when he was a tall lad, he crossed the sea and drove in his chariot to the old man's house on Mount Parnassus.

吉恩保尔里希特尔曾说,从帕纳萨斯看景色,比坐在宝座上看,视野更开阔。Books, indeed, endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts, there is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richter, from Parnassus than from a throne.

臧克家先生为中国诗坛留下一份丰厚的遗产,他的新诗创作对当今诗坛仍有深刻启示。Zang Kejia left a rich legacy to contemporary Chinese Parnassus after he passed away. His new poetry creation still has profound influence on modern poets.

然而在这个时候,帕那索斯博士正和邪恶的尼克先生第三次打赌,赌注就是女儿瓦伦天娜的命运。By this time, though, Dr. Parnassus is on his third stakes-raising bet with the devilish Mr. Nick, and the fate of Valentina herself is hanging in the balance.

在诗歌功利主义思想盛行的近代诗坛,他对古典诗歌本体思想的认识,体现了近代诗人对古典诗歌的美学追求。Utilitarianism is prevailing in the modern Parnassus. His cognition about the internal constitution of poem is the embodiment of aesthetic pursuit of modern poets.

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作为本片的主人公,帕那索斯博士是一个古老而又神秘的流动马戏团老板,在他搭建在马拉车上的戏院里,中世纪的神话以喜剧的形式上演。To set the scene, Dr. Parnassus is an ancient and mysterious traveling showman whose horse-drawn theatre presents something like a Medieval Mystery Play by way of the Commedia dell’arte.