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这个翻边起一种密封垫的作用。This collar acts as a kind of gasket.

本次设计了一套垫片的落料、冲孔模具。The design of a gasket blanking, punching mold.

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蒂洛森房协计量垫圈膜片秩序。Tillotson HS gasket diaphragm "metering" system.

垫圈的空穴应该面向临近法兰的外面。The gasket cavity should face out to the adjoining flange.

为维护艾志环保管接股份有限公司的合法权益。To vindicate Environmental Gasket Company LTD's legal right.

唯一没有做的事情,现在是制造一O形圈垫片。The only thing left to do now is manufacture an O-ring gasket.

从马达输出轴上拆卸玻璃框和橡皮垫圈。Remove the bezel and rubber gasket from the motor output shaft.

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改善密封垫片的设计可以以较低的夹紧压力。Improved gasket design allows sealing at lower clamping pressures.

单件构造和重型垫片设计保证了产品的可靠性。One-piece construction and heavy gasket design assure reliability.

法兰形式不同,要求使用的垫片也不同。Flange form different requirements, the use of gasket are different.

拆下螺栓并举高盘脱离歧管。扔掉衬垫。Remove the bolts and lift the pan off the manifolDiscard the gasket.

维修组件包括隔膜总成,阀瓣总成和垫圈。Repair Kit consists of diaphragm assembly, disc assembly and gasket.

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聚四氟乙烯垫片是选用悬浮聚合四氟乙烯脂模塑加工制成。PTFE gasket is manufactured by molding method with PTFE granular resin.

前面板密封的IP65与使用剪辑提供安装和垫圈。Front panel sealed to IP65 when used with clip mount and gasket provided.

IP40可选从前面的IP65正确安装使用垫圈供应。IP40 from front optional IP65 when properly mounted using gasket supplied.

垫圈表面的标准光洁度最大为125-200百万分之一英寸粗糙度。Standard finish of gasket surface is 125-200 micro-inch maximum roughness.

谢天谢地,我当时并不知道花了这么多钱,否则我早就暴跳如雷了。Thankfully, I didn't know the extent of it or I would have blown a gasket.

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石油潘垫片一刀切之间油底壳和底部酚醛引擎座。The oil-pan gasket fits between the oil pan and bottom pf the engine block.

检查你的新结局与水槽处的密封。Check your new fixture for a gasket to seal between the faucet and the sink.

钟型和套管末端通常用橡胶圈接口。The bell and spigot ends are normally jointed by using a rubber ring gasket.