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很好的闪光弹!Good flash bang!

像鱼一样地一闪。A flash like a fish.

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一转眼,50年过去了。Flash ahead 50 years.

我喜欢“闪舞“。I like "Flash Dance".

每个亮点都是一次编辑的记录。Every flash is an edit.

大家都不能扮闪电侠。No one can be the flash.

30多年一晃而过。Flash ahead 30-odd years.

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突然亮了一下。There was a sudden flash.

十年光阴,一瞬即逝。Ten years passes in a flash.

那些恶棍说黑话。Those rogues pattered flash.

他霍地拔出剑来。He drew his sword in a flash.

这是用来刷新版本的NBH。This is used to flash the NBH.

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土耳其山洪爆发,31人死亡。Flash floods kill 31 in Turkey.

他一溜小跑飞步上了楼。He whipped upstairs in a flash.

多么明亮的一道闪光!What a vivid flash of lightning!

而她的眼中却闪烁着愤怒的火光。Zuleika's eyes flash with anger.

这其实是一个优盘。It is actually a USB flash drive.

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都怪他们那蹩脚的动画。It's that crappy Flash of theirs.

请不要使用闪光灯。Les agradeceriamos no usar flash.

电光一闪是跳线。A flash of lightning hit the tree.