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丰富的意思是裂变的铀。Fertile meaning the none fissionable uranium 235.

锕铀铀的同位素,原子质量数为235,与慢。The isotope of uranium with mass number235, fissionable with slow neutrons.

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锕铀铀的同位素,原子质量数为235,与慢中子发生裂变。The isotope of uranium with mass number235, fissionable with slow neutrons.

在这个系统的中心圆洞中放置一枚次临界的球形可裂变物质。In a hole in the center of this system is placed a subcritical sphere of fissionable material.

由于裂变物质的耗尽以及由于核心的膨胀,才使反应减慢下来。The reaction is slowed by a combination of depletion of the fissionable material and expansion of the core.

前项可分裂物质,应每半年向原子能委员会申报一次。The fissionable material defined by the preceding paragraph should be reported to the Atomic Energy Council once every half-year.

原子能代理处能够为滤网、储蓄、捐献可裂变物质保护和其他能源负责。The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impounding, storage, and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials.

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其想法是生产出超过电站运营所需的口元素,为中国核计划的其他项目提供可使用的裂变材料。The idea is that it produces more plutonium than the plant needs to run, providing fissionable material usable elsewhere in the nation's nuclear program.

它们为美国将下怎样的决心来寻求消除现有储存的北朝鲜核武器和裂变材料提供空间。They leave open with what determination Washington will pursue the elimination of the existing stockpile of North Korean nuclear weapons and fissionable materials.

我们科学家的这种独创性将供应特殊的安全的条件,在裂变物质储藏所能够从本质上获得免疫的就被奇袭没收。The ingenuity of our scientists will provide special safe conditions under which such a bank of fissionable material can be made essentially immune to surprise seizure.

尤其是其极具可裂变性的同位素钸239,被用作一种核反应燃料并用在核武器中。It is a radiological poison, specifically absorbed by bone marrow, and is used, especially the highly fissionable isotope Pu 239, as a reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons.

这位官员说,对于确定北韩公布情况的真实性方面,这些日志至关重要,包括确定北韩在宁边生产出的核裂变材料的规模。The official said the logs will be critical in determining the validity of the pending declaration, including North Korea's accounting of how much fissionable material was produced at Yongbyon.