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但他需要超越自我。But he needed to outdo himself.

而且七月正在马不停蹄地超越六月。And July is doing its best to outdo June.

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顺便说一下,他并没有超越他的导师J。,J。By the way, he didn't outdo his adviser, J. J.

乐生具有超越性、理想性等五个特性。Joyful life possesses outdo , ideal and so on.

但是,它们有一方面比人类父亲做的好——分娩。But they do outdo human dads on one count—by giving birth.

创意上你会非常出色,超越自我。Creatively you will be outstanding and will outdo yourself.

我想如果我继续锻炼,总有一天会超过爸爸的。If I keep on practicing, I believe I can outdo my father someday.

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易曼纽的计画意图超越戴利及其他单车友善城市。Emanuel plans to outdo both Daley and other bike-friendly U. S. cities.

或者,"万一英国在贸易上压倒我们了怎么办"Or what if the British begin to outdo us in the world trade department?

他不直接为我们做什么,只是向我们指点自我超越的方法。A coach does nothing for us. He simply shows us the way to outdo ourselves.

共和党和民主党想超越自己在切削贸易逆差。Republicans and Democrats meant to outdo themselves in cutting the deficit.

惠子啊!我对孔子这样的想法实在太佩服了,我想我是不及他的。Huizi! I fairly admire Confucius for his ideas. I think that I can't outdo him.

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对于自己演的角色,杨丞琳一向勇于突破。Regarding her drama characters, Rainie is always willing to try and outdo herself.

你会遇到一些人他们总是试图超过你,在中学,大学,在工作中。You will meet many people who will try to outdo you, inschool, in college, at work.

你会遇到一些人他们总是试图超过你,在中学,在大学,在工作中。You will meet many people who will try to outdo you, in school, in college, at work.

在对他们羡慕的同时我心中那股好强的斗志被猛烈的激起。My admiration for them aroused the fight within me, a person always eager to outdo others.

但是,加上雅虎品牌,由此生成的公司也敌不过google作为网站的影响力。Together with the Yahoo! brands, the resulting company would outdo even Google as a web power.

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据说他正计划对美国进行一场远胜过911的攻击。He is reportedly planning an attack against the United States that will "outdo by far" September 11.

如果你在人生的旅程中,总是想着如何引人注目,如何超越他人,你就是在浪费生命。If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you’re wasting your journey.

千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics.