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每部法律都有漏洞。Each law has its loophole.

足够我来读圣经和等待那个枪眼。Plenty of time to read my Bible and look for a loophole.

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千万不要留下容易造成误解的漏洞。No loophole for a possible misconstruction must be left open.

但有没有可能找到宇宙速度极限的漏洞?But is it possible to find a loophole in the universal speed limit?

随后,卡尔扎伊利用一个立法漏洞通过了这项修正法案。Karzai then used a legislative loophole to pass the revision by decree.

或者通过某种拐弯抹角的逻辑漏洞草草掠过问题。Or it burrowed through the problem by some circuitous loophole of logic.

贸易和投资领域中,中外企业找到了一些大漏洞。Trade and investment offers a big loophole for Chinese and foreign firms.

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水手长乔伯-安德森的脑袋出现在了中间那个枪眼里。The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

那个水手长乔布。安德森的脑袋出现在中间的一个射击孔里。The head of Job Anderson, the boatswain , appeared at the middle loophole.

主要体现在我国法律对公款吃喝这方面存在的漏洞。It presents the legal loophole on recreational activities using public funds.

听到这个,我一跃而起,使劲揉了揉眼睛,跑到了墙上的一个射击孔前。And, at that, up I jumped, and, rubbing my eyes, ran to a loophole in the wall.

但如果你确不喜欢苦味,化学家则正好为你的舌头开一扇“小窗”。But if you’re not a big fan of bitter, chemists have just the loophole for you.

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第一章与第二章主要是梳理法律漏洞问题的概念性理论。The first and second chapters conclude the theories about the issue of legal loophole.

的关税使进口额一度下降.但出口商很快找到空子可钻。A 377 percent tariff caused imports to dip for a while until shippers found a loophole.

事实上,这种类型的调控主要是自律,有一个明显的漏洞。In fact, this type of regulation are mainly self-discipline, there is an obvious loophole.

即使这意味着钻了法律系统的空子,但是他们还是想要继续演戏继续抽烟。Even if it means exploiting a loophole in the system, they want to be able to act and smoke.

然而,易变域的同步中会有一个漏洞,它可能破坏互斥。There's a loophole when synchronizing on a mutable field, however, which can break down mutual exclusion.

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这些可以解释为包括精神健康的损伤,反堕胎人士认为这创造了一个巨大的漏洞。This has been interpreted to include damage to mental health, which pro-lifers say creates a big loophole.

僧侣戒杀生,所以僧人是素食主义者。但从严格意义上讲,这里存在着一个漏洞。Monks must abstain from killing living things. Therefore, monks are vegan. Technically. There is a loophole.

锡兰公国被许多人认为是世界上最为成功的微型国家,她之所以可以生存,在于人们认定的法律漏洞。What many consider to be the world's most successful micronation exists thanks to a supposed legal loophole.