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请将我火化。Please cremate me.

请求你把我火葬,行吗?Please cremate me, OK?

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中国人死后是要火化的,没有什么能完整地留下来。Chinese cremate practically all their burials. Nothing is left "intact".

尸体太多了,以至于工作人员得将他们集体火化。There are so many bodies that undertakers want to cremate them in groups.

张女士说,“在尸体火化后,我们将带着他的骨灰回家。”"After we cremate the body, we'll go home with the ashes , " Ms. Zhang said.

所以寺庙近两个月来不能接受任何尸体火化。So the temple can't receive any dead bodies to cremate for almost two months now.

就像目前发生的福岛灾难一样,根本没有燃料火化大量的尸体。As in the current Fukushima disaster, there was no fuel to cremate huge numbers of bodies.

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请将我火化吧。并请于我家旁边树立一个小小的墓碑。我对此已经考虑良久。Please cremate me. And please leave a small tombstone near home. I've long thought about that.

如发生意外死亡,公司有权决定员工的遗体火化及运回中国。In event of Death, the company has the sole discretion to cremate or send the body intact back to China.

只要人们不尝试去和他人一起火葬,丧葬内行们顺从这种要求,是在高兴不过了。Funeral professionals are only too happy to comply these days, as long as people don’t try to cremate gadgets along with anyone’s remains.

我们将把2008年遇难的一名瑞士登山者的尸体带下山,在登山营地火化,我们已征得其家属的同意。We'll bring down the body of a Swiss climber who died in the mountain in 2008 and cremate it below the base camp for which we have got the family's consent.

这名海军陆战队士兵的遗体已经归还给他的家人,他们表达了由军方火化此后确认的该士兵残骸的愿望。The remains of the Marine had been returned to the family, and they expressed a wish that the military cremate any other remains that were subsequently identified.

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这就是传说中的火葬场面——一种延续了几千年的古老仪式,在这个丧葬仪式中,虔诚的信徒将在一个露天空地上焚烧木头和自己的尸体来进行火葬。This is a traditional Hindu funeral pyre -- an ancient ritual that goes back thousands of years in which devotees cremate bodies by burning firewood in an open ground.

纽豪斯称,帝贝兹意识到并非所有人都与他的历史观点一致,他请求家人将他火葬,这样他的坟墓就不会受到诽谤者的亵渎。Aware that not everyone agrees with his view of history, Tibbets asked his family to cremate him so his grave site would not be desecrated by detractors, Newhouse said.

我一直是一个绿化的支持者,很早我就想如果我死了之后,我一定要让我的后代用我的骨灰做肥料在上面栽一棵树。I have always been a support of greenery. Long time ago I had thought that if I died one day, I will ask my descent to cremate my body and plant a tree using my ashes as the fertilizer.

泰勒告诉我火花尸体至少需要300元,而且物价上涨的挺快,没有钱的尸体会直接去解剖教室。It costs at least three hundred dollars to cremate an indigent corpse, Tyler told me, and the price was going up. Anyone who dies without at least this much money, their body goes to an autopsy class.