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文学理论的现代性表现为理论言语的科学化与体系化。The modernity of literary theory is evident scientism and systematism of diction.

在此基础上,尝试为古代汉语用典修辞理论建立起一个较为体系化的构架。By this try to set up a more systematism frame for the theory of citing allusion in archaic Chinese.

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为了该项研究的系统性和连续性,本文的内容涵盖面较广。For the systematism and continuity of this research, extensive technique domains are involved in the content.

而构建完整合理的海上侵权行为归责原则体系是海商法体系化的必然要求。A complete and reasonable system of principles of liability is necessary for systematism of maritime tort law.

国际物流园区的内部系统化和外部系统化,最终目的是实现资源的优化配置。The final aim of international logistics park inner and exterior systematism is to optimize the resource collocation.

科学技术体系化则以吸纳民间创新人才的机制作为补充。The systematism of science and technology absorbs the mechanism of talented person of folk creativity as a type of complement.

特别是其考核体系的完善化、制度化和监督体制的严密性,在今天依然可以为我们提供有益的参考。Especially, the perfection and systematism of its official merit system and strictness of its supervising system can still provide instructive reference.

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五佛思想是密教金刚乘的根本宇宙观,五方佛体系的最终形成也标志佛教神系的完备和系统化。Thought of the Five Buddhas reveals the universal conception of the Vajrayana Buddhism, and the Five Buddha familes indicate systematism of the Buddhist deities.

法律安定性不仅是法律自身的逻辑自恰性、连续性和体系化,更应该从法律与社会生活的适应关系中去理解。Legal stability is not only the logical compatibleness, continuity and systematism of law but also should be understood from the relation of law adapting to social life.

针对西方评价方法论缺少系统性与灵活性的特点,提出东方系统方法论指导项目评价活动的理念。Western evaluation methodology being short of systematism and flexibility, the conception that projects should be evaluated under the direction of W-S-R methodology is proposed.

数学既是一个知识体系,又是一个理性的思辩体系,它是经过高度抽象和严格的逻辑推理形成的系统化理论知识总和。Maths is not only a knowledge system but also a rational thinking and argument system. It is a systematism theory knowledge summation by height abstract and strict logic ratiocination.

伴随着社会经济的发展,人们已逐渐认识到犬的社会和经济价值,犬业的规模化、体系化和产业化迅速发展。With the development of socioeconomic, there is a growing recognition of canine social and economic value, and the rapid development of canine's scale, systematism and industrialization.

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1947年美国情报机构完成了由战时向和平时期的转变,实现了情报工作的规范化和体系化。The United States intelligence organization completed to change from wartime to the peaceful period in the 1947, realized the standardization and the systematism of the intelligence work.

在高校干部工作中扩大民主必须切实落实群众对干部选拔的知情权、参与权、选择权和监督权,必须坚持制度化,突出创新性。To well carry out this work, we must endow the people with the rights of knowledgement, selection, participation and supervision and stick to systematism and innovation of cadres promotion democracy.