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宏观经济的不景气被认为是投资收益减少的主要原因。The depression of macroscopical economy is considered as yield reductive main reason.

草案是一个政策指导性规定,是从宏观角度提出的。Draft is regulation of directiveness of a policy, put forward from macroscopical angle.

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它从原则上为认识宏观有序结构的起因提供了可寻的线索。It provides a clue for the research in the causes of the macroscopical ordered structure.

2006年必须注意保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性。What must notice to carry macroscopical economic policy 2006 is successional with stability.

所以煤岩的宏观破坏机理应从其荷载以及变形规律来研究。So macroscopical damage mechanism of rock mass should research through its load and deformation law.

提出了从整体上、宏观上提高深水井钻进效益的改进措施。It gives some valuable advice on how to heighten holistic, macroscopical benefit of deep water well drilling.

研究结果对解释静电宏观生物效应具有重要意义。The result of this study has important meaning to explain the macroscopical electrostatic biological effects.

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提出了土体宏观结构面的概念,并对其进行了系统的分析。In this paper a concept of 'soil mass macroscopical structure plane'was put forwards and analyzed systematically.

这篇论文引用了宏观语言的说法,这是源于德里达提出的解构主义翻译理论。The thesis employs a theory of macroscopical language theory from deconstructive translation proposed by Derrida.

我国宏观经济运行不畅与居民消费结构升级迟滞有关。Our country macroscopical economy moves not free and dweller consumption structure upgrade arrearage is concerned.

本文从宏观经济和微观层面探讨了券商的定价策略。This thesis discusses pricing policy of the stockbroker companies from both macroscopical and microcosmic aspects.

然而,政府的宏观政策干预又会在一定程度上加剧股票价格的波动。However, the macroscopical policy intervention can aggravate the volatility of the stock price in a certain extent.

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剑法是剑术的微观基础,没有微观基础,宏观事物何以安身?Swordsmanship is the microcosmic basis of sword technique, without this basic, How the macroscopical things exiting?

宏观调控与微观机制融为一体,优势整合,开拓出三峡工程用市场机制建设特大型工程的成功之路。The combination of macroscopical management and microcosmic system leads to the success of the Three Gorges Project.

目的为研究静电宏观生物效应作用机理提供一定的理论依据。Aim To provide theoretical basis for studying the acting mechanism of macroscopical electrostatic biological effects.

研究结果对解释静电宏观生物效应具有重要意义。The results of this might have important meaning to further explore the macroscopical electrostatic biological effects.

不同国家具有不同的基础制度环境、宏观制度和微观制度。Different nation have different basic institutional environment, macroscopical institution and microscopical institution.

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采用宏、微观以及化学分析等方法对开梨原因进行了分析。Analysis was performed on the crack of heat-effective-zone by macroscopical , microscopical and chemical analysis methods.

实验发现这些缺陷产生于两个根本原因——微观的神经元病态和宏观的学习盲目性。And the macroscopical blindness of learning this reformative BP-NET divided the whole learning process to many learning-p.

我们从哪些方面从宏观微观从短期中期长期哪些方面学习物流?We from what respect from macroscopical and microcosmic from short-term metaphase long-term content of what respect study flows?