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主轴鼻子上金格里米勒。Spindle nose on Gingery miller.

铸件和木材模式的金格里四爪卡盘。Castings and wood patterns for the Gingery 4-jaw chuck.

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你可以分辨出姜块,因为它闻起来有很重的姜味。You can tell that it' s root ginger, cause it smells really gingery.

成套铸件的金格里四爪卡盘加上一个额外的下巴。Complete set of castings for the Gingery 4-jaw chuck plus one extra jaw.

出于某种原因,戴夫金格里是使用汽车车身腻子大的,如果它是木填料。Or some reason Dave Gingery is big on using auto body putty as if it were wood filler.

铸件中的小组是为金格里分度头和尾架的部分。The middle group of castings are the parts for the Gingery dividing head and tailstock.

虽然他的戴夫金格里铆接装配在一起,他没有提到焊接快得多。While Dave Gingery riveted his assembly together he does mention that welding is much faster.

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他有一种淡淡、清脆的橘柑和辛辣的味道,肯定值得进一步探索。It was light and crisp with a citrusy, gingery tang. It was definitely worth exploring further.

易怒的米勒设立一个10英寸大的工作和面临的普遍复合工具和基面片。Gingery miller set up with a 10 inch face plate for facing large work and the universal compound tool and base.

他于是用着一种审慎的神气把他这第一次的贡献送上天然情爱的祭坛,因为这毕竟是一种贡献。With a far-off, gingery air he brought forward this first offering upon the altar of natural affection, for offering it was, after all.

成熟浆果味并伴有梅子和无花果及蓝莓和薄荷味。柔顺的单宁酸让水果及橡木味回味悠长。Gingery and mellow, violin-like and tender, the soft finely grained tannins provide wonderful length of fruit and oak with a soft finish.

青草的气息,清新但是厚重,有少许的矿石口感和成熟,辛辣带姜味。复杂但是收口非常清爽。Herbaceous and full-flavoured this fleshy and concentrated nettley slightly minerally wine has some riper spicy gingery notes adding complexity and a refreshingly crisp finish.

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青草的气息,清新但是厚重,有少许的矿石口感和成熟,辛辣带姜味。复杂但是收口非常清爽。Herbaceous and full-flavoured this fleshy and concentrated nettley slightly minerally wine has some riper spicy gingery notes adding complexity and a refreshing ly crisp finish.