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1923年,沟口健二执导了他的处女作,在之后的整个。He had directed his first film in 1923 and had worked prolifically throughout the silent era.

当天气暖和、食物充足、湿度适宜时,苍蝇会大量繁殖。Files breed prolifically when temperatures are warm, food is abundant , and humidity is moderate.

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他几乎不断穿梭于爱尔兰和英国之间,并在两地写出大量作品。He wrote prolifically both in Ireland and England, nearly constantly shuttling from one to the other.

鉴于因扎吉状态不错,吉拉蒂诺需要放松,这样进球才会随之而来。Alberto should relax because the goals will come whereas Inzaghi starts prolifically and then eases off.

在70年代中期,她开始短篇小说创作,直到今天,为我们出版了大量的作品。She began writing short fiction in the mid-1970s, and has continued to publish prolifically to the present day.

经过不断的实践,已掌握了丰富的技术经验,产品已打入国内外市场。Due to incessant practice, now we have predominate prolifically technical experience, and our manufacture have been sold overseas.

即使在它退化的状态下,太湖成了在1980年代剧烈扩张的中国化工业理想的繁衍地。Even in its degraded state, Lake Tai made an ideal habitat for China's chemical industry, which expanded prolifically in the 1980s.

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印度和中国都陶醉于快速增长的财富中,他们不知道干什么有利于他们自己和这个世界,于是就狂生孩子。India & China are drunk in the new found wealth, they have no clue what they are doing to themselves & the world by producing children so prolifically.

他们全家接着去了荷兰,在那里的演出曾因两个孩子的疾病而中断,但沃尔夫冈坚持大量创作。The family moved on to Holland, where the schedule of performances was interrupted by the illnesses of both children, but Wolfgang continued to compose prolifically.

他提出了中国经济发展的非均衡理论,并对“转型”经济著有大量学说,对中国经济的发展产生了深远的影响。He developed a theory of unbalanced economic development in China and wrote prolifically about transition economies, which has had profound influence on China's economic development.

巴格莱在教师教育、学校课程、教育理论、教育哲学、教育史及其他与教育相关领域著述颇丰。Bagley wrote prolifically on the subjects of teacher education, curriculum, educational theory, educational psychology, history of education, and numerous other fields related to education.

水库在在八十年代还是建成,但该名女子已移植了成千上万的紫罗兰到她农场附近,每年春天紫色,白色和淡蓝色相间的紫罗兰仍然盛开。The reservoir was built but the woman, now in her eighties, transplanted thousands of them to the fields near her farm where they still bloom prolifically each spring in purple, white and pale blue.