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你是我最喜欢的守门员!You're my favorite goalie !

那是守门员应该说的话。That's what the goalie said.

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可惜守门员将球挡出球门。But the goalie fenced it out.

高佳是申花队的守门员。Core Jia is the goalie for Shen Hua.

门将也可能守在中路The goalie might stay in the middle.

他用力把球顶过了守门员。He powered his header past the goalie.

这是门将扑向左路时的情况That's if the goalie dives to the left.

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门将可以选择扑向左路或者右路The goalie can dive to the left or the right.

莫妮卡当曲棍球队守门员的外号为何?。Monica's nickname when she was a hockey goalie?

原则上说门将也可以守在中路不动In principle the goalie could stay in the middle.

在新的通用公司的广告中,倒下的守门员依然倒著。In the new GM ad, the felled goalie stays felled.

如果门将扑向右边中路反而不如左路了It has as lower payoff if the goalie dives to the right.

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范俊业在足球队里任守门员,是香港一顶尖足球健将。One of Hong Kong's top soccer players is goalie FAN CHUN-YIP.

在黑鹰'守门员安蒂涅米降温6月4日在第四场比赛。The Blackhawks' goalie Antti Niemi cools off in Game 4 June 4.

我被选为打左边锋,但我希望做守门员。I'll play the left winger, but I hope to be chosen as a goalie.

守门员蒂姆•汤姆斯被称为比赛中最有价值的球员。Goalie Tim Thomas was named the most valuable player of the series.

在最后的几秒钟,甘恩队的守门员凯文·坎特维尔扑出了两次射门。In the final seconds, Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots.

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我从左路射门而门将也扑向左路时,我的收益是4So I shoot to the left and the goalie dives to the left, my payoff is what? It's 4.

这边代表罚球队员,称他为射手吧,这边代表门将So this is the guy who is shooting, he's called the shooter and this is the goalie.

基努有时候被称为“墙”,这是因为他曾在冰球队担任守门员的缘故。Keanu is sometimes called "The Wall" because he was an awesome goalie on his ice-hockey team.