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激怒了众多的粉丝那是可以理解的了。Understandably that's riling a lot of fans.

高层的凝重气氛是可以理解的。The mood at the top is understandably solemn.

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它试图阻止戴夫,这一点完全可以理解Hal tries to stop Dave, understandably enough.

但是曹仍然很乐观,这也是可以理解的。Yet Tsao Yu is optimistic, and understandably so.

练习把复杂的溉念解释清楚。Practice explaining complicated concepts understandably.

如今,世界经济正处于风雨飘摇的境地,投资者感到紧张也可以理解。A shaky world economy has investors understandably nervous.

现在您当然会怀疑,因为过去我们确实存有疑义。Now you may be understandably skeptical, as we certainly were.

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很容易理解为何犹太人在争取移民的战斗中冲锋在前。Jews were understandably at the forefront of the emigration battle.

可以理解,刑事司法部门希望能将自己的影响扩大到全球。Criminal-justice authorities understandably want their reach to be global.

可以理解的是,没有人喜欢厄里斯,因为她总是引起麻烦。Understandably enough, nobody liked Eris as she was always causing trouble.

以色列人当然不希望同样的危险也发生在加沙地区。The Israelis are understandably reluctant to let a similar danger grow in Gaza.

残酷杀害爱国志士激起了全世界人民的义愤,这是可以理解的。The cruel murder of the patriots has understandably aroused worldwide indignation.

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第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,他的沮丧是可以理解的。He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American.

美军司令上将尼米兹怠于出战,这是可以理解的。The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle.

自金融危机以来,美国人就深陷于惊慌和焦虑中。Ever since the financial crisis, Americans have wallowed in fear and anxiety. Understandably.

可以理解,巴西领导人对外喜欢吹嘘他们与中国的联系日益紧密。On the outside, Brazilian leaders understandably like to brag about their growing ties with China.

人力资源经理理应为相当于更多的无偿加班时间而欣喜不已。Human-resource managers would understandably rejoice at what amounts to more uncompensated overtime.

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可以理解的是,军事学院的课程大纲把学习常规战争摆在主导地位。The syllabuses of military academies were understandably dominated by the study of conventional war.

这也可以理解,毕竟当一群携有重武器的鸽子在天上飞的时候他们也担心的嘛。They were also understandably nervous about a load of heavily-armed pigeons flying around the skies.

当欧洲博物学家首次遇到这种怪诞的生物,他们感到费解。When European naturalists first encountered this bizarre creature, they were understandably baffled.