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一个主要问题是麻烦的生理构造。One major problem is our pesky anatomy.

但是首先,让我们来讨论一下密码所带来的讨厌的问题。But first, let's discuss the pesky problems that passwords present.

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所有您需要做的就是控制讨厌的呕吐反射,把剑吞下去。All you have to do is control those pesky gag reflexes and drop the sword.

如果年龄和体重只是数字的话,那么一切就都是浮云了。If age and weight get to be “just numbers”, so can that other set of pesky numbers.

他身上的许多小物件能让垃圾粉碎机,或者烦人的防护罩在几分钟内关闭。His many gadgets will have that garbage crusher or pesky deflector shield shut down in minutes.

有三百个月,1300个星期,根据闰年与否,有9125天左右。It's 300 months, 1, 300 weeks or 9, 125 days, more or less, depending on those pesky leap years.

除了一只巨型的遥控虫子,没有什么再能吓到邻居家掉裤子的小子了。Nothing will scare the pants off pesky neighborhood brats like a giant remote-controlled insect.

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你知道那些堆在你邮箱中,并最终会被删除的讨厌的广告吗?You know all the pesky ads that pile up in your mailbox and eventually end up in your recycle bin?

比如在圣芭芭拉,只要有一个养鹰人就会防止讨厌的海鸥侵扰“四季酒店”的游泳池。A falconer in SantaBarbara, for instance, keeps pesky seagulls from invading the FourSeasons' pool.

但是,如果你希望遮掩令人恼火的衰老,那该是你重新调整自己的化妆习惯的时候了。But if you want to mask the pesky signs of aging, it might be time to reevaluate your makeup routine.

民主党人也开始横加指责,那些讨厌的茶党极端分子更是在责怪一切事情。The Democrats are pointing fingers, too, with those pesky tea party extremists to blame for everything.

还可以放在你的橱柜里,抽屉里和其它容器里以抵御那些讨厌的蚂蚁。Bay leaves can also be placed in cabinets, drawers and containers to further deter those pesky critters.

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控制小鱼,将落下的彩球用小鱼吐出的水柱喷回去!Control Squirt, your water shooting super fish, to keep those pesky wooden balls out of your serene pond.

这一切是值得的,因为你知道你打败了那些讨厌的、不断偷走属于你东西的猪。It's all worth it just to know that you bested those pesky pigs who keep stealing what's rightfully yours.

过敏症患者将可以即时检测空气中哪类恼人的花粉并采取相应措施。Allergy sufferers may be able to instantly detect which pesky pollens are in the air and respond accordingly.

我们已经采取了这讨厌的玻璃屏幕和全电脑雕刻出铝,额外的坚固。We've taken out that pesky glass screen and carved the entire computer out of aluminum, for extra sturdiness.

从某种程度上来讲,我们都发现我们有更多的时间来处理待办清单上的这些烦心事了。Somehow during Mercury retrograde, we all find we have more time to get to those pesky things on our to-do list.

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当谈到这些令人头痛的伤患时,我认为今年比较长的赛前准备将会在来季造成差别。I think the longer pre-season this year will make a difference next season when it comes to these pesky injuries.

爱德蒙和妹妹露西以及常闯祸的表哥尤斯提意外进入油画中的纳尼亚世界,并登上航行中的“黎明踏浪号”。"The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader" centres on Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb.

你可能有方法解决令大家都感到棘手的问题,但你甚至连想都不想,这就是你的第二本质。You may have the solution to a pesky problem many have, but it’s second nature to you that you don’t even think about it.