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我们赶快去一睹为快吧。Let's take a sneak peek.

赖瑞往窗外偷看了一下。Larry takes a peek out of the window.

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聚醚醚酮电源或机构,三元乙丙橡胶隔膜。PSU or PEEK body with EPDM diaphragm.

给别人走进你内心世界的机会。Give others a peek into your inner world.

慢跑到附近的书报摊瞧一瞧吧。Jog over to your newsstand and take a peek.

本文总结了今年春晚的几大亮点,让我们先睹为快!Let's take a peek at this year's highlights.

后来,Peek和一个奥斯卡小金人一起继续环游。Peek later traveled with an Oscar statuette.

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让我们窥看一下其内容,浅尝即止。Let's now peek into the book itself. Just peek.

我们终于能够对黑洞一窥究竟了。We could finally get a peek inside a black hole.

不到圣诞节前夜不许偷看你们的礼物。Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.

广告部刚刚发了张。小孩的偷拍照片过来。The publicist just sent mea sneak peek at the kid.

在此领域里,聚醚醚酮的发展受到了很大的关注。In this field, PEEK the development of great concern.

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剩下的部门我大略地看一下就能够了。I can effective just haudio-videoe a peek at the rest.

曼德拉旧居现已成为一座博物馆。You can have a peek at Mandela's house -- now a museum.

或是偷偷溜到楼下提前拆看圣诞礼物的小孩吗?Who sneaks downstairs to peek at his Christmas presents?

从朱文小说文字的背后我们可以窥见他的人文关怀。We can peek Zhuwen's humanities concern behind his writing.

主人可以通过网络摄像头观察他们的宠物,无论白天还是夜晚。Web cams allow owners to peek in on their pet, day or night.

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因此,客户端是无法偷看票据内容。Therefore, a client is unable peek or poke the ticket content.

不要偷看,先花些时间自动解答一下。Don't peek until you take the time to work these out for yourself.

我们可以参照看一看世界上最节俭的有钱人们是如何生活的。Take a peek at some of the most frugal wealthy people in the world.