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该妇女表现为畏光和视力下降。The woman presented with photophobia and reduced vision.

如畏光的眼睛是非常敏感的太阳。In the case of photophobia the eyes are very sensitive to the sun.

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光线并未使全盲组感到困扰,却加重了法定失明组的偏头痛。The totally blind group did not suffer from what’s called photophobia.

眼部的症状包括畏光、流泪、视力模糊、眼球疼痛和眼睛红。Eye symptoms including photophobia , tears, blurred vision, eye pain and red eyes.

大多数病人会有眼痒,异物感,流泪,眼红,以及畏光等症状。Most patients report itching, foreign body sensation, tearing, redness, and photophobia.

典型的未接受治疗的儿童身材矮小、面色浅、佝偻和畏光。The typical untreated child has short stature, light complexion, rickets, and photophobia.

患者表现为眼部疼痛,眼睛发红并伴有流泪,视物模糊,和畏光。Patients present with a painful, red eye accompanied by tearing, blurred vision, and photophobia.

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其中13例有眼球震颤,8例有畏光,7例有轻微、不典型眼底改变。Nystagmus, photophobia and mild ocular fundus changes were found in 13, 8, and 7 cases respectively.

结果术后患者视力有不同程度提高,畏光症状明显改善。Results Postoperative symptoms of photophobia were relived . Postoperative visual acuity was improved.

主要表现为眼部干燥、异物感、畏光及视力模糊或视力波动等不适。It is mainly manifested as dry eye, foreign body sensation, photophobia and blurred vision or vision fluctuation.

非肾病性胱氨酸病的症状只有因为角膜晶体积聚引起的畏光。Non-nephropathic cystinosis is characterized only by photophobia resulting from corneal cystine crystal accumulation.

结果全部病例带虹膜膈人工晶体植入成功,术后视力眼前数指到0.8,畏光症状减轻或消失。Results The postoperative vision index was recovered to 0. 08 or better for all cases. Photophobia lessened or disappeared.

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结果局限隆起及过大悬垂的滤过泡可导致明显的眼部不适症状,角膜和泪膜的结构和功能受损。The symptoms of foreign body sensation, dryness, photophobia and tearful, tear break_up time and fluorescein staining of cornea were recorded.

这种方法可以缓解羞明症状,也可以帮助提高眼睛对强光和微弱光线条件的适应能力。This technique helps in relieving photophobia and developing the eyes ability to see sharp in bright light as well as in minimum light condition.

玻璃体出血表现为视物模糊和畏光,患者主诉视野中出现阴影,漂浮物,烟雾,蛛网或线条。Vitreous hemorrhages present as hazy vision and photophobia with the perception of shadows, floaters, smoke signals, cobwebs, or lines in the visual field.

急性、剧烈的满头痛伴发热、畏光和颈项强直,提示感染,如脑膜炎,应寻找证据加以排除。An acute whole-cranial, severe headache associated with fever, photophobia , and stiff neck indicates an infectious process, such as meningitis, until proved otherwise.