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通过考试的学生将获得国际学士学位。Students who pass receive a special international Baccalaureate certificate.

学位包括学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位三种。Degree includes baccalaureate , master ' s degree and doctor ' s degree 3 kinds.

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他们奖励了不到一半,他们的文凭学位,在文科领域的合作。They award less than half of their baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts fields.

它是“国际学士学位课程”的一部分。属于社区服务。It's part of our International Baccalaureate Program, and it's community service.

她的女儿原本还指望获得英语考试成绩以进入大学学习。The daughter had been due to take the English baccalaureate to try to get into university.

通常他们有一个最低学士学位在社会科学的任何或第一个大学学位。Usually they have a minimum baccalaureate or first university degree in any of the social sciences.

让我们设想下这是个哈佛大学给本科生的毕业服务,是以问答的形式。Let’s imagine this were a baccalaureate service in the form of Q & A, and you were asking the questions.

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拥有国际学位证书就有机会进入各个大学和学院。The International Baccalaureate gives access to the entrance examinations to all faculties and colleges.

她们就读于上海寄宿制学校,课程完成肄业颁发国际学士学位。At the boarding school in Shanghai, the girls attend a class endorsed by the International Baccalaureate.

申请人提交国际文凭文凭一般大学入学资格。Applicants presenting International Baccalaureate diplomas are eligible for general admission to the University.

1956年,蒙莫斯学院获得州政府授权招收四年制本科生。In 1956, Monmouth College was accredited by the state to offer four-year programs leading to the baccalaureate degree.

满头的红发让我更加显眼,而那个与我从未谋面的毕业致词者,决定把我当作辅助他“教学的工具”。Being a red-head gave me even more exposure, and the baccalaureate speaker, who had never met me, decided to use me as his audio-visual aid.

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在毕业典礼之后,毕业训词是哈佛最古老的传统之一,自1642年起就在学校不时举行。After Commencement itself, the Baccalaureate Service is one of Harvard's oldest traditions, existing off and on at the University since 1642.

方法采用问卷调查法,对正在实习的46名五年制护理学本科生进行心理健康状况调查。Methods A total of 46 nursing students on a five-year baccalaureate program in their final clinical practice were investigated by using SCL-90.

大的进了一所在上层学校以国际文凭项目和几位务实的英文老师著称的学校。The older one went to a school that featured an International Baccalaureate program in the upper school and several no-nonsense British teachers.

10年开始为期两年的学生国际参加中学会考教学大纲的国际学士学位文凭项目在年12和13。In Year 10 students begin the two-year International GSCE syllabus followed by the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13.

我们的经纪都持有通过职业最高培训的Broker执照。并且都拥有北美本科和硕士学位。我们公司的专业律师会查阅和修改合同。Certainty-All our broker associates possess a high level of professional training and Masters or Baccalaureate degrees from United States universities.

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女性毕业于数学学士学位的比例与男性相同,并且自从90年代中期,超过四分之一的数学博士学位由女性获得。Women graduate with baccalaureate degrees in math at the same rate as men, and since the mid '90s more than a quarter of the math PhDs have gone to women.

迪拜美国学院,迪拜美国学校和迪拜通用美国学校提供美国的课程。Deira International School, Dubai International Academy and Jumeirah English Speaking School offer the International Baccalaureate program with the IGCSE program.

学士服一点也不美,但是一定要穿在身上和那些一起奋斗过的人们照张相,然后把帽子高高地扔向空中。The baccalaureate gown is not beautiful at all, but it's necessary to take a picture in it with the people who strive with you, then throw the trencher cap into air.