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1公里为2华里。One kilometre is equivalent to two li.

然后每行车一公里,加收12分。Then it's 12 cents for each additional kilometre.

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在某些地区购油的队伍已经长达1千米。Petrol queues in some areas stretch for a kilometre.

我们知道声音三秒钟传播一公里左右。We know sound travels about one kilometre in three seconds.

中方同意与英方共同推动“平方公里阵列射电望远镜”项目。China agreed to join the UK to promote the Square Kilometre Array.

如果他们乘公车或火车就只能获得每公里0.12欧元了。They get just 0.12 euros per kilometre if they take a bus or train.

当我透过车窗看到阿曼德时,汽车才开出去大约1公里。The bus is maybe a kilometre out when, through the window, I see Armando.

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它们一般是红色的,窗上标明了每公里的价格。They are usually red, and they display the price per kilometre on the window.

离我朋友家一公里的地方有座小岛,我们常常划船去那里。There is an island a kilometre from our friend' shouse , and we often sail to it.

景区距北京180公里,距丰宁县城15公里。Scene from Beijing 180 kilometres, Froms abundant rather county seat 15 kilometre.

接着他们就向大道跑去,到了以后再跑了一千米,直到碰到救护车。They ran to the main road and on for a kilometre until ambulances could reach them.

博洛尼亚准备对巴扎尼开价,巴扎尼出生的地方距离博洛尼亚的体育场不到一公里。Bologna are ready to make a bid for Bazzani, who was born not a kilometre from the club's stadium.

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小陆家嘴地区已成为中国资本密集程度最高的地区。S. dollars per square kilometre ! Small Lujiazui area has become China's top capital-intensity areas.

银禧线延伸段是迄今最昂贵的铁路线,造价为3亿3千万美元每公里。The Jubilee Line Extension was the most expensive railway line ever built. It cost USD 330 million per kilometre.

谁打算正面冲向一辆行驶的火车要牢记高速行驶的火车需要一千米停下来。Anyone planning to jump in front of a train is urged to bear in mind a high-speed train needs a kilometre to stop.

东侧是高尔夫球场,西边是凉水河,北侧为一公里宽的城市规划绿地。There is a golf course to the east, Liangshui River to the west, and a green belt, one kilometre wide to the north.

几个月来,在不到一公里以外的地方为草莓和芒果种植者开办了一个类似的学校。Less than a kilometre away a similar school has been held for several months, for strawberry as well as mango farmers.

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这两家经济型酒店和如家同安分店之间的距离也就在千米左右。The distance between these two economy hotel and branch of the Tongan that be like the home also is controlled in kilometre.

参赛者打扮成圣诞老人参加一年一度的圣诞老人短跑5公里,利物浦,英格兰北部二○一○年十二月五日的一部分。Competitors dressed as Santa Claus take part in the annual 5 kilometre Santa Dash in Liverpool, northern England December 5, 2010.

这个光环每立方公里含有约20颗尘埃微粒,结构非常稀薄,站在光环内部都看不见它本身。Every cubic kilometre of the ring contains around 20 tiny particles of dust, making it so tenuous, it would be invisible from the inside.