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房子翻新可能需要安装新的门框。A retrofit may involve putting in new door jambs.

比尔博接替了,我们接受到一个新任务,时间是两星期。Bilbo , and to put in for a retrofit within two weeks.

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在加州,我们已经翻新了所有的砖石结构房屋。In California we retrofit all of the masonry building.

以上方框图显示了一个潜在的改型灯泡。The above block diagram shows a potential retrofit bulb.

加装一个既定的模具就几乎是不可能的。To retrofit an established mold would be almost impossible.

因此,对旧房进行节能改造,已提到议事日程。Therefore, the retrofit of old house, already mentioned agenda.

该订单还包括为美陆军提供339个数字化改造包。The order also includes 339 digital retrofit kits for the U. S. Army.

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通过安装限流器的装置修正所有造成浪费的水龙头。Retrofit all wasteful faucets by installing aerators with flow restrictors

“改造用度普遍正在不到两年就赢回了,”迪尔报告说。"The retrofit generally yields paybacks of less than two years, " reports Diehl.

介绍了斗山变电站改造现场管理方面的做法。The practice of field management for 500 kV Doushan Substation retrofit is presented.

此时洁净热煤气在锅炉改良之前进入过热段。The clean hot gases then enter the boiler superheat section as was before the retrofit.

适用于用在临时性水应用的消防栓上的防回流阀的更新改造。Designed to retrofit backflow protection onto fire hydrants used for temporary water service.

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在制造业中,设备改造很多时候都意味着谈之色变的“产量损失”。In the manufacturing world, the word "retrofit" many times is feared to mean "lost production.

我国首台进口大型燃机余热锅炉的改造工程已胜利竣工。Retrofit of the first large gas turbine HRSG imported by China has been successfully completed.

隔震设计不止用于新建之桥梁,亦可应用于桥梁的耐震补强。Seismic isolation can be applied for not only new bridges but also retrofit of existing bridges.

甚至比改造现有设施,使其在危急时刻保持服务运转所需的费用还要少。It costs even less to retrofit existing facilities to keep their services running at critical times.

论述了对汽轮机、发电机转子和定子的理论计算和改造方案。The theoretic calculation and retrofit scheme for turbine , rotator and stator ofgenerator are discussed.

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该合同任务包括开发改装元件使HDTS整合到AH-1W攻击直升机。The contract effort covers the development of retrofit kits to incorporate HDTS into the AH-1W helicopter.

花样翻新的显示器将提供更多的功能,包括显示先进的图表、地图和图形。The retrofit displays will deliver extensive functionality, including advanced charts, maps, and graphics.

DOE-2已被用于设计或改造的数以千计的著名的大厦整个世界。DOE-2.1E has been used in the design or retrofit of thousands of well-known buildings throughout the world.