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他把这杯喝干了。He drank the cup dry.

他把酒喝干了。He drank the wine dry.

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似乎记得,自己真的喝了酒。Remembering, he drank.

猫喝了它的牛奶.The cat drank its milk.

我的身体仍在把甘霖吸收。And still my body drank.

他举杯祝她成功。He drank success to her.

我们为她的胜利干杯。We drank to her victory.

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建议在3-18个月内饮用。Drank within 3-18 months.

他喝干了一大碗酒。He drank up a whole bowl.

植物吸收了水分。The plant drank moisture.

他因酗酒致死。He drank himself to death.

他把水全喝光了。He drank up all the water.

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他把另外半杯也喝了下去。He drank another half -cup.

我喝了一杯香槟。I drank a cup of champagne.

至于酒,他代以白开水。As for wine, he drank water.

让萧辉喝了酒。Let Xiao Hui drank the wine.

他喝了一杯白兰地。He drank a tumbler of brandy.

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我们为了奥拓干杯。We drank a toast to the Alto.

他年轻时是个翻筋斗的杂技演员。He drank up a tumbler of milk.

她还喝了太多无糖百事可乐。She drank too much Diet Pepsi.