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将来,你身边环绕的都是电脑的精明。In the future, the smartness of computers will surround you.

一般而言,智能或者聪明,根本就是一种预测机制。Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery.

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其最明显的特征之一是使这种动物臭名昭著的灵巧敏捷性。One of its most obvious characters is its smartness , which has make the animal a notorious pest.

仁惠来质问成俊,担忧他会像基俊一样失去一切。HuiLai questioned ChengJun, benevolence, worrying about his smartness like base as lose everything.

士兵们传递炮弹,转动炮身,装炮弹,把自己份内的事做得紧凑而且干净利落。The soldiers served out the charges, turned round, loaded, and did all their work with exaggerated smartness.

从某种意义上讲,生活就是一场战役。那种妄想凭借小聪明闲混到出人头地的人最终只会落得失败的下场。Life is in a sense a battle. The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.

而实现可持续性发展的一种方法就是通过增加仪表设备的智能性来提高资源消耗的效率。One lever for sustainability is to increase efficiency of resource consumption by adding smartness to the metering devices.

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他本以为早上耍的小聪明只是玩笑,很有独创性,可现在看来那既卑鄙又可耻。His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious. It merely looked mean and shabby now.

在行军的全程中,近卫军犹如游园一般,炫耀着它自己的整洁和纪律。The guards had made their march as though it were a pleasure excursion, priding themselves on their smartness and discipline.

学习销售的技巧不仅会让你更聪明,而且还能学会控制他人。Learning the tricks of the selling trade not only adds to your smartness but also to your inherent ability to manipulate others.

如何评价新能源城市电网智能化水平,目前还没有系统的研究。On how to appraise the smartness standard of the power grid in new-energy cities, no systematic research has been conducted so far.

以Q的姿态站立,豆芽菜形态的腿部造型加上菱形方格的细碎纹样,更显明眸皓齿的机灵乖巧。Standing like letter "Q", its bean sprout like leg and small pattern of rhombus grid represent its bright smartness and loveliness.

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类似地,可能存在一些智能,无论人脑以现在的能力进行多么快的思考也无法到达。Analogously, there might be kinds of smartness that wouldn't be accessible to even very fast human brains given their current capacities.

语言表达流畅,思维敏捷,具有良好的沟通协调和谈判能力。With fluent expression and smartness , good communication skills and great negotiation ability, he is good at handling complicated cases.

的机灵的领带和优雅的珠宝一起在这铑镀金项链与银带遮阳网晶体。The smartness of a tie and the elegance of jewellery come together in this rhodium-plated necklace with a strip of Silver Shade Crystal Mesh.

他可能低估了数字原省代的聪明和机敏,特别是当他质疑Twitter在伊朗抗议行动中的地位时。He mightindeed underestimate the smartness and agility of digital natives,especially when he questioned the role of Twitter during the Iranianprotests.

服装高档化的趋势,为衬衫料的开发带来了广阔前景。舒适、挺括、细洁、美观是衬衫料的开发趋向。The prevalence of top-quality garment offers promising prospects for developing shirtings, which are characterized by comfort, stiffness, and smartness.

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人文主义是一种对人的反思,它要求关怀人的终极意义,弘扬道德价值和审美价值,培养健全的人格和高尚的时代风尚。Humanism is a reflection of people, it requires the ultimate meaning of ethical value and aesthetic value, and cultivate sound character and noble smartness.

在学习的过程中,图拉找到了自信,变得机灵而美丽,同时开始在阿姨的旅行社工作。Computer learning proves to be an opportunity for Dola to find her self-assurance, smartness and fairness. Meanwhile, she commences to work in her aunt's travel agency.

不莱梅人是生意人。但他们不似汉堡那种大商埠的资本家般惯于盘剥,而处处显示小生意人的头脑和智慧。People in Bremen are businessmen. They are different from capitalists in big commercial cities, like Hamburg. They are full of wisdom and smartness of small businessmen.