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世间果报,亦复如是。So is the wordy retribution.

诸位,果报是可怕的。Everyone, karmic retribution is frightening.

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那是一场惩罚和阻止对方的战争。That war was an act of retribution and prevention.

他认为他坐牢是他的行为得到的报应。He believes his term was retribution for his campaigning.

果报小说在现代中国仍然具有一定的生命力。Retribution fictions are still meaningful in modem China.

佛说因果报应丝毫不爽。The Buddha has always warned us against karmic retribution.

魔战士代表着奥丁神的审判之力。The Champion represents Odin's divine force of retribution.

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还有哪些人我们可以嘲笑戏弄,不用害怕遭到报应?And what other group could we taunt without fear of retribution?

身为御林铁卫的缺点就是处处令人畏惧。The retribution of a Kingsguard is a frightening thing to behold.

你们看因果报应何等不爽。This is an example of karmic retribution and how inescapable it is.

慧远报应思想具有一些特殊的文化意蕴。His ideas of retribution contain some special cultural implications.

冤孽是在我心里头,苦也应当我一个人尝。The retribution is inside my heart, also must I taste painstakingly.

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与其得了恶报而后脱离恶道,不如不去犯罪。To commit no sin is better than retribution and renunciation of sin.

幸福和勇气,报应或正义都是次要他们的目的。Happiness and courage, retribution or justice are secondary ends for them.

近代刑罚学思想把报应的意义限定为复仇。Modern penological thought discounts retribution in the sense of vengeance.

现在看来这家犹太法庭要对它施以报复了。Now it appears the judges of this rabbinical court are out for retribution.

答案是,很多人担心如果他们损失价值数百万美元的飞机会遭受惩罚。The answer is that many feared retribution if they lost million-dollar jets.

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惩戒光环伤害提高,同时可以被神圣法伤效果加成。Retribution Aura damage increased and now gai damage based on Holy ell power.

惩戒光环伤害提高,同时可以被神圣法伤效果加成。Retribution Aura damage increased and now gains damage based on Holy spell power.

有些时候,城管本身就是暴力和报复的对象。In some cases, the chengguan are themselves the target of violence and retribution.