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我希望你做个尿分析。I would like you to have a urinalysis.

胆盐及胆色素增高。Urinalysis yielded bile salts and pigments.

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清洁的尿液可送常规检查和培养。A clean urine sample can be sent for culture and urinalysis.

患者术后一年之尿液及膀胱镜检查正常。Follow up cystoscopy showed normal bladder and urinalysis remained normal.

七位病人之尿液常规检查显示白血球增多但培养无结果。Seven patients had abnormal urinalysis but no positive finding in culture.

有性生活的青少年每年验尿检查白血球。Yearly dipstick urinalysis for leukocytes for all sexually active adolescents.

验尿报告中含有白细胞属于何种病状?Is leucocyte contained to belong to in urinalysis report why to plant pathology?

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尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常。Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings.

由于她没有注意到信息,仍旧在使用,所以她没有通过验尿。As she did not notice the information and still used it, so she did not pass the urinalysis.

尿检能够发现大量的尿蛋白,同时尿液中也经常会出现油脂。Urinalysis reveals large amounts of urine protein. Fats are often also present in the urine.

第一次诊断测试的步骤包括一个完整的血球计数,血清生化检查,并与尿培养尿检。The first diagnostic testing steps include a complete blood count, serum biochemical tests, and urinalysis with urine culture.

因为此药物的短半衰期,光是用尿液检查来检验可能会遣漏一些使用者。Identification of cocaine use based only on urinalysis may miss some cases because of the short elimination half-life of the drug.

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研究尿液标本均为无菌采集中段尿,进行尿培养、白细胞酯酶、显微镜下白细胞计数、亚硝酸盐试验等检测。All urine specimens for urinalysis and culture were obtained by the mid-stream clean catch method, collected under aseptic conditions.

目的探讨尿沉渣中的有形成分对UF-100全自动尿沉渣分析仪结果的干扰因素。Objective To evaluate the disturbing factors of the material ingredients in urinary sediments on UF-100 automated urinalysis analyzer.

分娩时,全血细胞计数、尿常规和梅毒抗体应重复检测。高危患者应重复检测乙肝表面抗原。静置血观察血凝。During labor, the CBC, urinalysis and RPR are repeated. The HBSAG is repeated for high-risk patients. A clot of blood is placed on hold.

在很多病例中,最初怀疑膀胱肿瘤往往是因为尿常规镜检发现尿中带血。In many cases, the initial suspicion of a bladder tumor is made only after microscopic traces of blood are found on a routine urinalysis.

其他一些基本的检测,如全血记数、生化检查和尿液分析,可以被用于检查是否有感染或其他疾病发生。Other, more basic tests, such as a complete blood count, biochemical profile, and urinalysis can be performed to determine if infection or other problems exist.

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一些公司依赖于尿分析法甚至隐蔽的摄像头来找到吸毒者。Some firms have come to rely on urinalysis and even hidden cameras to locate drug users while others provide rehabilitation clinics for workers who choose their jobs over drugs.

目的通过与显微镜检测、干化学检测进行比较的方法对尿沉渣分析仪UF-50临床应用评价。ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical performance of Sysmex UF-50 automated urinalysis analyzer by comparing UF-50 test results with those of automated dipstick reader and microscopy.