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他曾一度在党内占支配地位。At one time he was dominating over the party.

作为一个队伍,我们正主导这项运动。I think as a team we’re dominating the sport.

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中间的主要部分是代码视图。Dominating the center is the tabbed code view.

当它的主宰杆,它可以拯救天。Cs2 . When it's dominating the shot, it can save days.

主导的绿色看起来淡雅而宜人。The dominating green color looks fresh and comforting.

章多是一个平坦的高原,俯视克节朗河。Tsangdhar is a flat plateau dominating the Namkha chu.

理性的个体利益不总是占上风的因素。Rational selfinterest is not always the dominating factor.

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他们和喜欢依恋的可人女生和喜好支配的女强人绝对相处不好。They cannot ever get along with clingy or dominating women.

屏幕上的强度分布,从暗到亮再到暗,叫做一条干涉条纹。Dominating the band is a dark streak that resembles a snake.

欧、日、中国已居这项产业龙头地位。Europe, Japan and China are already dominating this industry.

缺水是这次论坛会议的一个关键性主题。Water scarcity is one of the key issues dominating the Forum.

英国货币改为十进制被认为是欧洲战争中最重要的事件。D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe.

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日本仍以57所的绝对数量,称霸于前200强。Japan is still in the absolute quantity, 57 dominating in 200.

现在我们球队会更好看,但是有了姚,我们就有了统治力。We're fun to watch right now, but with Yao we'd be dominating.

丁俊晖没能够获胜,以往一人主宰的日子已一去不返。Ding won't dominate, gone are the days of one person dominating.

恐惧对他们的影响已达到能支配其左右之程度。They are influenced by their fears to quite a dominating extent.

骄横的人必须学会仁慈,团队才有合作。The dominating person must grow in kindness before team will work.

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他不靠统治性的个性就得到统治性的数据。He posts dominant numbers without exerting a dominating personality.

毋庸置疑,他在这个时代傲视群雄,极少数拳手能比肩于之。And deservedly so. He is dominating his era as few fighters ever have.

住宅产业是国民经济的主导产业。The housing industry has a dominating position in the national economy.