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密封货物。Pressurize cargo.

船货移动了位置。The cargo has shifted.

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2004年印度洋海啸那会儿,美国撤侨派出了第七舰队,而中国,只派出了一艘货轮。China sent a cargo ship.

把货物堆在冷冻舱内。Stow cargo in reefer hold.

先谈谈货物保险吧。First about cargo insurance.

全船货物原收原交。All cargo delivered as loaded.

大副已经核点了货物。The mate has tallied the cargo.

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你们的装货班轮什么时候开航?When does your cargo liner sail?

即使是40吨重的安通娜12型货机也一样。Even 40 ton Atona 12 cargo plane.

我们在伦敦卸了货。We discharged the cargo at London.

我们正准备投弃货物。We're going to jettison the cargo.

该轮已装运棉花货物。The ship taked on a cargo of cotton.

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他们从船上卸下货物。They discharged a cargo from a ship.

你在抛弃有毒货物。You are jettisoning poisonous cargo.

搭货船旅行的金科玉律The Golden Rules of Cargo Ship Travel

该船将于今天卸下货物。The ship will unlade her cargo today.

这艘船今天将卸下它的船货。The ship will unlade her cargo today.

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您坐哪家航空公司的飞机。A nonscheduled airline or cargo plane.

你船能抛弃后面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo aft to refloat?

打开货油舱烟雾警报。Switch on smoke alarms in cargo tanks.