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我们对他的损失深表同情。We condole with him on his loss.

我们对您的不幸表示慰问。We condole with you on your misfortune.

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胸前有一片荷叶边,一字领,吊带可调节。Chest a falbala, a word, condole belt is adjustable.

我们全家去火葬场吊唁时。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

我们全家去火葬场吊唁他的去世。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

凯特写信慰问友人的丧母之痛。Kate wrote to condole with her friend on the death of her mother.

一听到王同志去世,我立刻写信去向他的家属表示慰问。Peter wrote to condole with his friend on the death of his mother.

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橱柜五金中,吊柜挂件是支撑上吊柜的主要力量。Cabinet hardware, condole supports Diaogui pendant is the main force.

在直角拐角处,也可以设计出多边形的吊柜。Be in orthogonal turning point, also can design polygonal condole ark.

吊顶过低会使整个房间产生压抑感。Condole top is too low will make whole room produce depressive feeling.

为此,军区首长专程来我公司视察、慰问。Therefore, military director come to our company for visit and condole.

柴也愚,参也鲁,师也辟,由也喭。Chai also Yu, Lu also Senate, the division also provided, by also condole.

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牛仔短裤与吊带搭配出热力四射的性感。Bull-puncher knickers and condole take collocation to give heating power 4 ejaculation sex appeal.

另外,墙壁、吊顶可选用隔音材料,如矿棉吸音板等。Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait.

舒新将王姐请到本人办公室,认真讯问榜样间吊顶坍塌之事。Shu new sister wang please go to my office, earnest interrogation example of between condole collapse.

吴建豪除了给孩子们上课、一起踢球之外,还特意对两名学生做了家访。He condole with the children and instructed them lessons as a special envoy of the List of Mobile Music.

同时异型的吊顶也是这次设计的一个特色,就像是斗拱的一种抽象,一种简单的元素符号。Meanwhile the alien condole is also a feature of this design, capitals as an abstract, a single element.

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一般可以在吊柜下部布置射灯光源,并设置方便的开关装置。Can decorate illuminant ejaculation the light in condole ark bottom commonly, set convenient switch plant.

吊顶最大的用途,是遮蔽房顶上难看的设备层。Condole carries the biggest utility on the head, it is the equipment layer that obstructs the malformation on roof.

“吊码”的材质和品牌、产地所形成的品质不容忽略。"Condole is piled up " material pledges and the brand, character that producing area place forms nots allow oversight.