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你能不能不要烦我!Will you stop annoying me?

噪音烦死人了.The noise is very annoying.

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大多侵犯隐私的行为是骚扰。Much of it is just annoying.

他脸皮厚又惹人讨厌。He is thick-skinned and annoying.

这样的雨总不惹人厌。Such rain will never be annoying.

请忘掉那件烦心事吧!Please forget that annoying thing.

你这个小冤家,别再气我了!Stop annoying me you little devil.

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这时候耽误是最令人烦恼的。The hour’s delay was most annoying.

长统袜抽丝时真叫人扫兴。It is annoying when stockings ladder.

他猛力拍打一只搅得他心烦的苍蝇。He swatted a fly that was annoying him.

对于某一部分人而言是恼人的干扰。For some, it is an annoying distraction.

毫无意义地忠忠直直是恼人的事。It is annoying to is honest to no purpose.

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这将被视为无意义的喧闹。This will be seen as pointlessly annoying.

有时绵绵春雨真让人心烦意乱。Sometimes spring rains are really annoying.

什么被高估了、难以使用、或者恼人的?What’s overrated, hard to use, or annoying?

惹恼你的读者是个很坏的策略。Annoying your reader is a very bad strategy.

一书烦故书,七字更新奇。A book so annoying book, Seven Words fancier.

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我的姐姐很迷恋他,这一点非常恼人。My sister fancies him, so it's very annoying.

她会是你遇到的最烦人的舍友。She would be the most annoying roommate EVER.

有些人好像总是喜欢惹人烦。Some people seem to revel in annoying others.