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于是我决定启动该实验。So I decide to launch it.

如何启动一个重量的客户吗?How to launch a Wt Client?

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我船将放4个救生艇。I will launch 4 lifeboats.

我船将放8个救生筏。I will launch 8 liferafts.

向新的发射点挪动转移。Moving to new launch site.

然后启动市场发展创造条件。Then launch the Market Enabler.

在经济复苏期启动公司。Launch into an economic recovery.

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有的人想发动华教教育战争。Some people want to launch a war.

约翰•艾尔金顿参加了启动仪式。John Elkington went to the launch.

你船能放多少救生艇?How many lifeboats will you launch?

你船能放多少救生筏?How many liferafts will you launch?

新船下水时你在场吗?。Are you at the launch of the new ship?

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他们对BBC发起了一场诉讼。They launch an action against the BBC.

立即启动技嘉独特的动态节能技术!Launch your Dynamic Energy Saver today!

第一类任务是发射卫星。Mission number one is satellite launch.

我们应发起扫黄运动。We should launch an anti porn campaign.

我们三周前才开放了网站。We just launch the site three weeks ago.

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你是否曾目睹过导弹发射?Have you ever witnessed a missile launch?

他们设法创办了一个新的企业。They managed to launch on a new business.

在某一刻,你的内心告诉自己得上路了。At some point, your gut tells you to launch.