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它是一门研究机械共性问题的。It is a basic course on study machine commonness problem.

平凡中表现的伟大才能永恒。Only the greatness displayed in commonness is everlasting.

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并与你一起度过平凡又甜蜜的日子。And i hope could spend commonness and treacly life with you.

因此,比较文学研究应从共通性转向差异性。So the comparative literature research should turn from commonness to difference.

平实的杯身,大大杯口,看起来像是普通,用起来就是不一样!Even and solid cup body consumedly the cup look like the commonness use is different!

控制着花仙子拉了一只普通的黑野虎过来。Controled bloom pretty matron to pull the black wild tiger of a commonness to come over.

虽然共性寓于个性之中有选择与扬弃,但共性必须寓于个性之中。Though commonness exists with individuality we must develop the useful and discard the useless.

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综观国外农地保护采取的政策与措施,既有特殊性,又有共性。Policies and measures of farmland preservation abroad are both diverse and have some commonness.

作者从实践中归结出杂志封面设计的共性与个性,并举列说明之。The author summarizes and illustrates the commonness and individuality of cover design in practice.

草原鄂温克族毡帐文化既具有毡帐民族文化的共性特征,也有其特殊性。Cuhure of Ewenki's yurt in grassland has national yurt culture's commonness as well as its specialty.

文化模式具有一定的共性,但又具有相对的个性。Different culture patterns have some commonness to some degree and also the individuality relatively.

各路采茶戏的音乐各具特色,又存在着一定共性。There are 30 different kinds now, among which both commonness and feature are existed in their music.

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知道女人和龙卷风的共性吗?都是在经过一番疯狂之后,掳走了你所有的财物。Do you know the commonness of woman and tornado? They both pillage all your wealth after a bust of madness.

这些罪行日益增长的共性与英国国家高科技犯罪中心的成立相吻合。The growing commonness of these crimes coincided with the formation of the UK’s National Hi-Tech Crime Unit.

当前,青年问题表现出越来越多的共性和国际性特征,各国青年面临的全球性挑战日益增多。Nowadays, youth issues share more international commonness and youth are facing increasingly more global challenges.

从三种驱动模式存在着共性出发,提出了统一驱动模式和驱动角的概念。Based on the commonness of the three drive patterns, the concept of uniform drive pattern and drive angle is put forward.

黑格尔哲学当中的“类”概念包含两方面的内容,一方面指外在的思维形式,另一方面是指内在的事物本质或共相。It includes content from two aspects, one is the external thinking form and the other is internal essence or commonness of things.

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观念上讲求普遍、本质、本体、共性和规则。表现上要求典雅、均衡、和谐统一。It pursues essence, noumenon , commonness and rules in concepts and elegance, balance, harmonization and uniformity in expression.

价值认同虽然强调人与人之间的共同性,但是它又与价值趋同有根本区别。Consequently, it is enormously different from value universalization whereas it puts stress upon the commonness between man and man.

艺术的总体共性、总的特征为经,艺术学的基本分支为纬。Suppose the commonness and the general characteristics of arts are like the "longitudes", and the basic branches of arts the "latitudes".