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我觉得你的发刷太尖了。Your hairbrush is too spiky for me.

你可以谷歌查询spiky这个词,看下这篇文章。You should Google the word spiky and look at it.

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那三颗大钉般的恒星位于我们自己的银河系。The three spiky stars are in our own Milky Way galaxy

就是因为我在尖尖的电动扶梯梯级上跌了一下。Just because I fell down on the escalator that is so spiky.

它有四个爪子,每一个爪子上都带有很尖很尖的指甲,还染成红色。It has four claws, with spiky nails on each claw, all painted red.

五岁的我,深色的刺猬头,一双如月亮般浅棕色的,斯拉夫人的眼睛,瘦长轻佻的身躯。Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish.

这名瘦小的女子站在篮球场中央,她那直立的头发剪得短短的。The slight woman with short, spiky hair stood up in the middle of the basketball court.

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我想剪掉您的鬓脚,修剪一下两侧和后面的头发,然后把头顶剪成稍微尖尖的形状。I want to cut off your sideburns , trim the sides and back, and make the top a bit spiky.

毛囊的表面积巨大,且呈刺状分布在头发上,因此油分子很容易卡在这些“刺”的缝隙中。Each hair follicle has an enormous surface area and is "spiky", so the oil "sticks" to it.

有时我们在犀利的藤蔓和有尖刺的棕榈叶中穿行,水深至我们的脖子。Sometimes, as we waded amid razor-sharp vines and spiky palms, the water was up to our necks.

这两个男人连身体特征都相似,都是长脸、下巴强壮,直立的刺猬头。The two men physically resemble each other, with long faces, strong jaws, and spiky haircuts.

果实成熟时,瓜的外表皮变黄,变硬,果肉成碧绿色,像果冻一样滑溜。When ripe, the melon has a thick spiky yellow outer skin, with bright green, jelly like flesh.

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发型师︰我想剪掉您的鬓脚,修剪一下两侧和后面的头发,然后把头顶剪成稍微尖尖的形状。Stylist︰I want to cut off your sideburns, trim the sides and back, and make the top a bit spiky.

刚去到一个温暖的地方,会感到放松,幸福水平高到值峰。Initially when we go to a warm place, we feel the relief and there's this spiky level of wellbeing.

有一位教授Florida,写过一篇很好的,谷歌上的PDF文章,说世界时不平坦的。There's this Professor Florida, who has this nice PDF article on Google that says the world was spiky.

在这个范围内还散布着引人入胜的其它背景星系,还包括道钉状的前景恒星。Intriguing background galaxies are scattered around the field that also includes spiky foreground stars.

当然,场景中单独、多彩、带芒角的恒星要近得多,在我们银河系内。Of course, the individual, colorful, spiky stars in the scene are much closer, within our own Milky Way galaxy.

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不外,我们也患上给他个名字,我只知道他用一个狼牙棒,我们就叫他狼牙吧。Well, we've gotta give this guy a name, and all I know about him so far is that he uses a spiky club, so we'll call him Spike.

在市中心矗立着巴伊杰列克观景塔,高耸的塔顶托着一个用玻璃和铝合金制成的圆球。In the centre of the city stands Baiterek Tower, a tall, spiky construction that cradles a glass and aluminium ball at its top.

这个穿火箭靴的可爱小机器人留着大头钉似的黑色头发拥有从背部发射子弹的超能力。He's a cute little robot with rocket boots, spiky black hair and – winningly – the ability to shoot bullets out of his backside.