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斗鸡在任何情况下都是非常残忍的。Game birds are very cannibalistic under any circumstances.

弗雷家同族相食的命运在第三季就有重大暗示。A big hint about the Freys' cannibalistic fate was given back in season three.

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这场宣传活动过后,北美发生了一连串食人案。The campaign was followed by a series of cannibalistic attacks in North America.

其他种类的大型肉食恐龙可能也残食同类Other large carnivorous dinosaurs likely also engaged in cannibalistic feeding behaviors

强壮箭虫有同种相残的习性,但发生频率不高。Sagitta crassa are cannibalistic although the occurrence frequency of cannibalism is not high.

一位杂志社的记者在热带雨林中寻找传说中的食肉部落。A magazine reporter is traveling through a rainforest, in search of a fabled cannibalistic tribe.

一些部族已被确认为食人成性,包括烂苔部族和邪枝部族。Several specific troll tribes have been confirmed as cannibalistic , including the Mossflayer and Vilebranch tribes.

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而暗矛部族曾经也有食人的传统,直到加入部落时他们正式地放弃了食人主义。The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.

激烈争吵后,在回家的路上,这两位女士被绑架,没想到这家是变态的食人家族。After having quarreled violently with the guy, on the way home the ladies are attacked and kidnapped by a sadistic, cannibalistic "family"!

这表明,任何一个蟋蟀释放出自己的血淋巴,都会被认为是受伤了,而吸引到那些喜欢吃同类的蟋蟀的注意。That means that any crickets with haemolymph on their bodies attract the attention of other cannibalistic crickets that assume it is injured.

结合鱼类自残行为发生机理的研究,进一步探讨了减少鱼类自残行为发生的措施。In this article, cannibalistic behaviour in fish is reviewed, and the measures to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon are also discussed.

所以初看这作品会以为是要揭露远古时代的心灵秘密,但同时它又只是一种动物性的进食行为,好像自觉性的吃掉自己的话语。So Peng's video at first seems to be about divulging ancient spiritual secrets, but it is also a cannibalistic consumption, the self-conscious eating of one's words.

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犹太人听多了有关异教徒吃人肉的野蛮习俗,他们可一点也不想效法外邦人的行径,他们一定认为「耶稣太狂妄自大了」。They had all heard or read enough of pagan religious systems, which incorporated cannibalistic practices, and wanted nothing to do with this. "His ego has exploded", they must have thought.

我们以食人仪式和图腾崇拜仪式来分别展现人性中那些非常隐秘和复杂的一面,也由此彰显社会对个体的约束和规整。We have exposed the secrets and complexities of human nature in cannibalistic and totemic rites and the restrictions and domestications that have been imposed on individuals by the society.