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普通鳞甲采用金属片。Mundane scale armor uses metal plates.

那条泥路虽看起来简单又无趣。The mud road may seem simple and mundane.

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我们只是觉得他们无聊、对他们没感觉、认为他们庸俗而已。We just find them boring, uninspiring, and mundane.

说不定你只是用一种平庸厌倦的眼光责难它。Maybe you’re just putting it across in a mundane way.

即使是在最平淡的梦境中,你也可以了解很多。You can learn a lot from even the most mundane dreams.

略论中国佛教的世俗化与“人间佛教”Secularization of Chinese Buddhism and "Mundane Buddhism""

一些看来平凡的事是超越自我。What seems mundane is a part of something larger than you.

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三藏脚踏了凡地,自觉心惊。With his feet on the mundane earth, Tripitaka was stunned.

每个人都在真真假假的俗事里忙忙碌碌。Everyone is busy in mundane events in the true or otherwise.

我们想来想去,觉得最普通的食物就是果酱,所以我们将它制作成超现实食物。We thought about it and the most mundane food of all is jam.

提高电网的“智商”也会带来更多的现实利益。Increasingthegrid'sIQ would bring more mundane benefits, too.

它们有普通的和名贵进口的。There were mundane saltines and exotic and expensive imports.

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香烟在世俗社会的方方面面均有涉及。Cigarettes are present in the most mundane aspects of society.

它们也可以从像太阳那样的较温和的发生源产生。They also originate from more mundane sources such as the sun.

当人即将死亡时,他对凡间的事务即失去兴趣。When a man is near death he loses interest in mundane affairs.

雷亮的情感是超越世俗的,甚至是超越宗教的。Lei Liang's feeling exceeds mundane affairs, and even religion.

在这个物欲横流的世界,我们终于相信仍有希望和真爱存在。In a world of mundane pursuits, we still have hope and true love.

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在平凡竞选集会上现身的明星们也能掀起竞选的高潮。Celebs can also add star-power to otherwise mundane campaign rallies.

是什么让极客一族的老妈们从传统的妈妈堆里脱颖而出的?What is it that sets a Geek Mom apart from the mundane mass of mothers?

另外一种更平常的解释是,青紫色可以阻吓蚊子。Another offers the more mundane explanation that indigo deters mosquitoes.