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射手座是火相星座。Sagittarius is a fiery sign.

所有这些都走火辣辣的过激之作。All this is fiery radical writing.

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暴躁的龙而非可爱的熊猫。Fiery dragon rather than cuddly panda.

脾气暴躁的烈马是难于驾驭的。It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.

她克制不住自己暴躁的脾气,又发火了。Her fiery temper got the Better of her.

它不再是一个炽热的天体。It was no longer a fiery heavenly body.

黑根把那烈酒痛痛快快地喝了下去。Hagen drank the fiery liquid gratefully.

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如火般的行径,如水般的汗水。Fiery movement, such as water-like sweat.

撒旦站在炽烈的湖边。This is Satan standing by the fiery lake.

驾着火轮向造化的宝座奔突。Driving on fiery wings to Nature's throne.

在这个世界的炽热熔炉内被烤焦。Seared in the fiery furnace of this world.

夏玛什,火焰圆盘之王,记住!SHAMMASH , Lord of the Fiery Disk, Remember!

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龙珠果。红彤彤的,好像火球!Dragon fruit. Fiery red, look like fire balls!

山茶红似火。The camellia blossoms are a more fiery scarlet.

热辣的番茄和古斯古斯汤—太棒了!The fiery tomato and couscous soup – fantastic!

地球上的生命面临一个“水深火热”的未来。Life on Earth faces a warm future – and a fiery one.

一架直升机在瓦列霍爆炸起火并坠毁。A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo.

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或者以全生的冷盘上桌,配有一抹让人燃烧的芥末料。Or, have it cold and raw with a blob of fiery wasabi.

沉眠吧,疲惫的主人们,在永恒的夜的看护下。Slumber now, fiery Lords, nursed by the ageless Night.

这个港口水深火热的四金火山岩石。The fiery depths of this volcano harbor four gold rocks.