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邮件合并。Mail merge.

归并排序。Merge Sort.

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我该怎么合并它们呢?How do I merge them?

您可以合并内容。You can merge content.

将它们进行合并需要耗费多少时间?嗯?How hard is it to merge them?

归并物体到当前场景。Merge objects with current scene.

是归并排序的处理过程。So here's what merge sort would do.

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我需要将这两个序列进行合并。Well I need to merge these two lists.

由川谷之于江海。Is there where rivers merge into oceans.

当我们到达这步时。Once we're there, we have to do the merge.

现在,我需要合并已排好序的部分。So now, I need to merge the sorted halves.

以后这两种产品将会合并。In the future, the two products will merge.

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合并之后的原始用例规约Original use case specification after merge

合并的过程是将它们按顺序摆放。I merge. And the merge is, put them in order.

所以我始终需要做n个元素的合并。So I always have to do a merge of n elements.

这将超过合并非洲之角公鸡的头。This will merge the horn over rooster's head.

画家试图把那几种颜色和起来。The painter tried to merge the colors together.

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在这里进行合并,这里的代码有点多。Merge up here. There's a little more code there.

画家试图把不同颜色混合起来。The painter tried to merge the colours together.

但这是萨尔渴望融合进去的一类美国人。But this is a type with which Sal longs to merge.