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他们修复牙齿。They fis teeth.

亾生命虽短,爱却绵长。Brief fis life, but love is long.

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由此,断定了张建新就是这个沉睡者。Thus, concluded that the zhang j. x. and meng fis this the sleeper.

优化后的FIS即可处理输入的图像数据,产生增强的图像。The optimized FIS can process the input data, produce enhanced images.

总统答应对他的新财政政策做更多的说明。The president promised to throw more light on his new fis cal policies.

通过训练可以调整、优化FIS的内部参数值。The internal parameters of the FIS is adjusted and optimized through training.

另外,还定义了“分散度”指标,用于指导“真频繁项目集”的挖掘。The article also defines "disperse degree" which can be used in process mining "real" FIS.

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这个问题问到金融中间人的特殊性和经济重要性的点子上了。This question strikes at the very heart of what makes FIs special and important to the economy.

伯德米勒比赛期间,FIS的世界杯高山滑雪大回转比赛12月20日在阿尔塔巴迪亚,意大利。Bode Miller races during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup giant slalom December 20 in Alta Badia, Italy.

大鼠肢体缺血再灌注后发生了肺损伤,静脉输注高渗盐水有一定的肺保护作用。Lung injury occurred in rats after LIR and intravenous infusion of FIS has some lung protective effects.

竞争对手的出发点在FIS的越野世界杯罗格拉,斯洛文尼亚12月20日的比赛15公里赛。Competitors start off in the 15km Classic at the FIS Cross Country World Cup race in Rogla, Slovenia December 20.

在设计新型柴油机和对老型柴油机升级改造的过程中,对燃油喷射系统的设计必须足够重视。It is must pay attention to the FIS when the new engine would to be designed, or an old one would to be redesigned.

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除了提高信息的流动与质量金融中间人还向储户们提供次要金融债权。In addition to improving the flow and quality of information, FIs provide financial or secondary claims to household savers.

悲伤是真实的,那些将我拖下去的事务也多半是无法掌控的,但我的态度是我唯一可以控制的东西。Grief fis real. And the things dragging me down were mostly out of my control, but my attitude was something only I could manage.

2月13日,2011跳台滑雪世界杯挪威站,一位运动员欲与月亮“试比高”。Austria's Martin Koch competes during the FIS World Cup Ski Flying competition in Vikersund, eastern Norway, on February 13, 2011.

本文针对一种在中高速柴油机上装用的燃油喷射系统进行了设计计算,给出了关键结构尺寸。The thesis designs a new FIS which is used in a middle-high speed diesel engine, and gives the key structure dimensions of the design.

因此,避免了由高温辐射热引起的材料变形,而抗热衣服的耐久性也得到提高。Accordingly, the heatproof clothes are durable to prevent the deformation by the heat of extremely high-temperature while fis improved.

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相同的,图的边排序只是将排序的对象由点换成边,而排序完以后有著相对应的性质。The edge ranking problem can be defined analogously except that the mapping fis now from the edge set to the set of all nature numbers.

林赛对美国Vonn清除期间FIS的世界杯女子大回转二○○九年十二月十三日1日在难道,瑞典腿一门。Lindsay Vonn of the United States clears a gate during the 1st leg of the FIS World Cup Women's Slalom December 13, 2009 in Are, Sweden.

建立财产地籍簿是一次很好的质量控制实习。需要注意时宜性和准确性。Building the fis. al cadastre is. a field exercis. that requires tight quality control. Much attention must be given to timeliness and accuracy.