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同样对碎发有效。It is also extremely forgiving to flyaway hairs.

公告夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and flyaway.

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但是到了冬天,树叶落下的时候,小鸟也飞走了。But in the winter, when the leaves of the tree fall off, the birds will also flyaway.

哥伦比亚号在2003年重返地球被摧毁,原因是起飞时机翼飞离出的泡沫留下的一个洞。Columbia was destroyed during re-entry in 2003 because of a hole in its wing, left there by flyaway foam at liftoff.

抽屉式灯箱设计,便于UV灯和反射罩擦拭及UV灯的更换,维护简便。Drawer style lamp box designer, convenient for UV lamp and reflect cover wipe and UV lamp replacing, maintain flyaway.

小时侯在故事里总是听说沙漠里有海市蜃楼,便一直很向往,总想去看看海市蜃楼究竟有多么迷人。During my childhood, I was told that there was flyaway in desert and I have been longing for it. I want to know how bewitching it is.

当然根据路程的远近也会做调整,有时会周一或周二出发来适应气候和时差。Of course the situation is different with the flyaway races where I usually leave home on the Monday or Tuesday to adapt to the different climate and time zone.

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我以前从没见过别人所说的这个女人,但当我看到她朴素的鞋子,古典的礼裙还有散开的秀发,我知道没有别人更配我这位堂弟了。I had never met the woman in question before, but as soon as I saw her sensible shoes, vintage dress, and mane of flyaway hair, I couldn't imagine my cousin with anyone else.

她的双肩圆润,大手大脚,衣着松垮,正从一个其貌不扬的丫头片子飞速地拔成一个漂亮俊俏的大姑娘,而这恰恰是她顶不喜欢的。Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, a flyaway look to her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting up into a woman and didn't like it.

刀具的后角影响犁削片的卷曲情况以及翅状犁削片的表面情况,而这两个条件是决定翅状犁削片的热控制能力。Cutting tool clearance angle influence plow chip curl situation as well as fin chip superficial situation, but these two conditions are decision flyaway plow chip heat control abilities.