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“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。"It'll help you avoid mindless munching," she said.

“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。"It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said.

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那真是一场愚蠢的挣扎,一场向着终点的死亡行军。It was a mindless struggle, a death march to the end.

不要掉进陷阱,成了没脑子的奴才。Don’t fall into the trap of becoming a mindless minion.

这具没头脑的“全国步枪协会”的僵尸?This mindless zombie of the national rifle association?

不过,男人绝非无脑的精子制造机。Yet, incredibly, men are more than mindless sperm-making machines.

中山狼,无情兽,全不念当日根由。A mountain wolf, a savage ruthless beast, mindless of past obligations.

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我们真的得整晚坐着听他那愚蠢的夸夸其谈吗?Do we really have to sit and listen to his mindless ranting all evening?

这个习惯还会导致无意识的吞咽从而增加体重。The habit also encourages mindless munching, which can lead to weight gain.

像一个没头脑的行尸走肉一样让你更容易忽略事情。Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted.

工厂的劳动大众重复劳作,他们取代了同大自然共同劳作的农民。Repetitive, mindless factory labor replaced working holistically with nature.

我喜欢名人和流行文化,但那对我来说只是盲目的素材而已。I mean, I love celebrities and pop culture, but it's just mindless fodder to me.

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由一群没有头脑的食人族统治的国会,眼下正对着一位消极的总统大块朵颐。A Congress dominated by mindless cannibals is now feasting on a supine president.

如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program.

但是我们从来不把这些看似盲目的攻击当成是个有计划有系统的行动。But we could never have seen the mindless attacks as a coordinated, systematic effort.

这就意味着他们要告知客户不该继续那些费时的诉讼或是愚蠢的并购。That meant advising their clients against time-consuming litigation or mindless mergers.

向受害孩子的家庭表示慰问。无脑的暴力只会带来痛苦。Condolences to families of the affected children. Mindless violence can only bring grief.

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自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless , repetitive toil.

卢克与自己的无意识克隆体决斗,但最后是玛拉·杰德干掉了卢乌克·天行者。Luke faced his mindless doppelganger, but it was Mara Jade who eventually killed Luuke Skywalker.

研究表明,如果你交替进行动脑筋和不动脑筋的工作,你将会工作得更有效率。Research shows that you’ll be more productive if you alternate between mindful and mindless work.