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这个案子一直悬而未决。The case is still pending.

他们的案子依然悬而未决。Their case is still pending.

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那件讼案因而尚未解决。The lawsuit was then pending.

日期尚待工场确认。Date pending field confirmation.

一个漫长的诉讼仍悬而未决。A long-running lawsuit is pending.

你是否有未交的税或未还的抵押款?Do you have any tax or other liens pending?

该名单仍然有待皇室的批准。The lineup is still pending royal endorsement.

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关于还待决定的意大利裁决委员会的一句话。And a word on the pending decision of the CONI.

使用“签入”和“挂起的更改”窗口。Using the Check In and Pending Changes Windows.

我们接连输掉了两个案子还有一个被判推迟。We've subsequently lost two and one is pending.

挂起状态适合于容器重定向。Pending state is good for container redirection.

系统显示所有未决的请求。The system displays all pending purchase requests.

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但是,美台签自由贸易协定还遥遥无期。But no U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement is pending.

外商投资促进局把这个提议搁置了一年。FIPB had kept the proposal pending for over a year.

未尽事宜,欢迎电话垂询!All pending issues, welcome to telephone to inquire!

有超过90例,仅在空中交通管制3悬而未决。There are more than 90 cases pending in ATC 3 alone.

实际上,台北的另一项请求仍悬而未决。Indeed, another request from Taipei is still pending.

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据了解,现年53岁的李昶停职后将面临调查。Li Chang, 53, was suspended pending an investigation.

正待饱览这迷人的天都月景。Pending enjoying every day on this fascinating scene.

所有的货运要在信用卡批准后才能执行。All timeframes apply pending credit card authorization.