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我在一所社区大学兼职当讲师。I'm moonlighting as a teacher at a community college.

我得要开始兼差才能让收支平衡些。I will have to start moonlighting to make both ends meet.

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即使是副业或兼职的商业活动都是允许建立的。These are allowed even for sideline or moonlighting businesses.

他因利用上班时间干私活被罚没全年奖金。He lost a whole year's bonuses for moonlighting during office hours.

如果你精明,在做兼职之前你会先让老板知道。If you're smart, you'll loop in your boss before doing any moonlighting.

这件丑闻激起了前所未有的关于院士兼职现象的辩论。The scandal has prompted fresh debate about moonlighting by academicians.

许多人兼职是为了攒钱买高档消费品或养老。Many people are moonlighting to put money away for luxuries or retirement.

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暂时兼职工作是可以接受的,但是还是会大大妨碍更好的表现和潜力的发挥。Temporary moonlighting is permissible but significantly curbs performance and potential.

孩子越生越少,现在的妇产科医师,有时候还得兼差上妇女减重班。With fewer children being born, some obstetricians are moonlighting as weight-loss counselors.

去年秋天,他开始兼职做小企业的顾问和个人理财顾问。Last fall, he started moonlighting as a small-business consultant and personal finance counselor.

传统上的兼职族是同时做两份时薪工作,或者一份时薪工作加自由职业。Moonlighting traditionally has meant juggling two hourly jobs, or an hourly job plus freelancing.

在网站上发文章有一点好处,就像做兼职,你要突然有什么想法,随时都能写下来。The nice thing about websites is as a moonlighting thing you can write as often as you want on a whim.

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宋哲元29军大刀队夜袭喜峰口,将数百日军用大刀一律砍为两截。Song Zheyuan 29 broadsword army put a moonlighting on Xifengkou, and cut millions enemies into two parts with broadswords.

众所周知,国营艺术团体的歌手以前的大部分收入来自走穴。Singers working for State-owned art troupes are known to be making more money moonlighting than from their gegular salaries.

我知道,亲爱的。我打算开出租车兼差,希望很快我就可以存到足够的钱来办我们的婚礼。I know, honey. I'm thinking about moonlighting as a cab driver, and hopefully I can save enough money for our wedding pretty soon.

生活窘迫迫使格雷格在一家药品公司找了一份兼职工作,但是他岳父杰克又开始怀疑格雷格有可能禁不住药店小护士的诱惑。After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, however, Jack's suspicions about his mate nurse come roaring back.

很多记者,兼职当预测者,能猜测出,就这个当代政治问题,奥维尔会怎么想。Many journalists, moonlighting as clairvoyants, are able to reveal exactly what Orwell would think about any contemporary political question.

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一组包围了他的年轻男性,询问是否作为一个吉他手走穴炸弹工兵可以在很短的演唱会放在附近。A group of young men surrounded him, asking if the bomb sapper moonlighting as a guitar player could put on a short concert for the neighborhood.

怪物史莱克,哆啦A梦,以及其他的深受孩子们喜爱的电视和电影卡通形象近年来却成为了垃圾食品的代言人。Shrek, Dora the Explorer, and other animated TV and movie stars beloved by children have been moonlighting as junk-food pitchmen in recent years.

因此,为了筹到足够的钱让自己去美国留学,俞敏洪干起了业余语言家教,同时还在北京大学教授英语。So , Mr Yu tried to raise enough funds to send himself to the US by moonlighting as a private language tutor while also teaching English at Peking University.